Breaded Veal Cutlets

Have the cutlets cut from the fillet about three-fourths of an inch thick, and about as large as the palm of your hand ; grate some stale bread and rub through a cullender, and adding salt, pepper, sweet marjoram, grated rind of a lemon, a little powdered mace and grated nutmeg, spread this on a large flat dish; beat up some eggs, dipping each cutlet into them, then into the prepared bread, seeing that a sufficient quantity adheres to each side of the meat; have boiling some sweet lard, and a small quantity of butter added, in which fry your cutlets, turning them three times, but be careful they do not burn. Place in a hot and covered dish; make a gravy by sifting flour into the fat in the pan, stirring until a rich brown, when add boiling water, to form the right consistency; add, lastly, a little chopped parsley and vinegar, and pour, boiling, over the cutlets. Serve at once.

Fricandeau Of Veal

Three or four pounds of the fillet of veal, a few slices of bacon, a bunch of savory herbs, two blades of mace, two bay leaves, five allspice, one head of celery, one carrot, one turnip, lardoons, pepper to taste, one pint of gravy or stock.

Cut a thick handsome slice from a fillet of veal, trim it neatly round and lard it thickly with fat bacon; cut the carrot, turnip and celery into slices, and put them into a stew-pan with a bunch of savory herbs, two blades of mace, five allspice and two bay-leaves, with some slices of bacon on top. Lay the fricandeau over the bacon with the larded side uppermost, dust a little salt over it, and pour around it a pint of good gravy or broth. Place it over the fire and let it boil, then let it simmer very gently for two hours and a half or three hours over a slow fire, basting it frequently with the gravy. Take out the fricandeau when done ; skim off the fat, strain the gravy and boil it quickly to a strong glaze, cover the fricandeau with it, and serve it up very hot, upon a dish of green peas.

Rolled Veal

Take a boned breast of veal, lay it on the dish, spread over it a dressing made of bread-crumbs, a small onion, sweet marjoram, pepper and salt, a lump of butter, and over that fifty oysters; roll it up and tie around tightly, and put it in a pan and bake one hour. Make a gravy of some pieces of veal and stock.

To Prepare A Calf's Head

Have the butcher split the head and take out the eyes, remove the teeth and gums ; then lay it in a large pan of warm water to disgorge; then remove the brains and tongue; take the head, wash it well and put it in a pot with a knuckle of veal, and water enough to cover it; let it boil slowly for four hours, skimming it well; take out the head and veal, and dress it as you like, or bake it according to receipt. The brains you soak in cold water, with salt, for one hour; separate the lobes of the brain with a knife before you soak them ; then cover with hot water and parboil them, and fry or stew them, as you like. The tongue is to be boiled, then skinned; take off the roots, and lay it on a dish; garnish with parsley. The liquor the head is boiled in save for soup.

Baked Calf's Head

Boil the head until you can pick all the bones out, and keep the water the head is boiled in; take the pieces and lay them in a dish, having cut them small; use some salt, pepper, a little parsley, a grating of nutmeg, a small piece of butter, and some dry bread-crumbs, about a teacupful; moisten it all with some of the water the head was boiled in; put in a baking-dish and let bake for a half-hour. Take the yolks of two eggs and make a sauce with the boiled liquor. Make soup of the rest of the liquor.

How To Roast A Calf's Liver

Wash thoroughly and wipe dry ; cut a long deep hole in the side; stuff with crumbs, bacon and chopped onions, salt and pepper to taste, a piece of butter, and one egg. Sew or tie together the liver, lard it over, and bake in the oven, basting frequently. Serve with gravy and currant jelly.

Stewed Calf's Liver

Boil the heart and haslet in enough cold water to cover them ; add three onions ; while they are boiling, prepare the calf's liver by cutting incisions into it, in which put strips of corned pork cut narrow—the more it is larded with pork the better will be the flavor. Put into the stew-pan a quarter-pound of butter; when melted and boiling hot, add a teaspoonful of flour; stir until a light-brown color, then place in the liver, turning it over and around until it is cooked on all sides. Lay a small bunch of summer savory, parsley, a bay leaf, salt, a few pepper-corns, a half-dozen allspice, five whole cloves, a squeeze of lemon in the pan, and when heart and haslet are sufficiently cooked, then pour the gravy over the liver and simmer slowly for an hour and a half, the pan being tightly covered ; then pour off the gravy, strain it, and add one tablespoonful of mushroom catsup or a wine-glass of wine ; add a tablespoonful of flour to thicken the gravy, and boil for five minutes. Put the liver in a dish and pour some of the gravy over it; the remainder send to table in a sauce-boat. This is a delicious dish, if carefully prepared.