The Art And Science Of Personal Magnetism | by Theron Q. Dumont
These chapters contain the gist of the lessons taught by the author, in classes, and to individuals, in courses of personal instruction conducted by him, in Paris, for eighteen years.
Preliminary Greeting- I take pleasure in presenting to many American students who will acquire possession of copies of this book, these practical lessons on the art and science of Personal Magnetism. These chapters contain...
Chapter 1. Personal Magnetism- It is a strange and almost amusing fact that there should be at the same time, on the part of the general public, such a general acceptance of the existence of personal magnetism, on the one hand, and...
Chapter 2. Mental and Physical Poles- Some of the writers on the subject of personal magnetism have fallen into the error of considering that the entire secret of personal magnetism is to be found in the phenomena of telepathy or transfer...
Chapter 3. The Mental Phase- The mental phase of personal magnetism depends upon two coordinated manifestations of mental power, as follows: (1) the holding of certain mental states until the mental atmosphere becomes charged ...
Chapter 4. The Physical Phase- The physical phase of personal magnetism depends upon two coordinated manifestations of nerve-force, as follows: (1) the generation within the nervous system of a plenteous supply of nerve-force; a...
Chapter 5. Physical Magnetism- You will remember that when you have come in contact with any of the strong characters in any walk of life - the great preachers, lawyers, statesmen, orators, businessmen, etc. - those whose success d...
Chapter 6. Generating Nerve-Force- By reference to the first paragraph of Chapter iv, you will see that i have separated the physical phase of mental magnetism into two coordinated manifestations, the first of which i.e., the generatio...
Generating Nerve-Force. Continued- Well, this is exactly the breath-rhythm, which, if properly assumed and well acted-out, will result in drawing to you a greatly increased supply of nerve-force from the universal storehouse of the s...
Chapter 7. Distributing Nerve-Force- In the preceding Chapter I have given you general instructions regarding the first phase of nerve-force by means of certain forms of rhythmic breathing. I now proceed to the general instruction regard...
Chapter 8. Nerve-Force Exercises- I shall now instruct you in the direction of certain forms of exercise designed to generate nerve-force, or physical magnetism, both in the phase of absorption and that of distribution, according to t...
Chapter 9. Projecting Nerve-Force- At the beginning of Chapter IV, I stated that the physical phase of personal magnetism depends upon two coordinated manifestations of nerve-force, namely: (l) The generation of nerve-force; and (2) th...
Chapter 10. Mental Radiation- Leaving for the moment the phase of physical magnetism, or nerve-force, and entering into a consideration of the other phase, namely, that of mental magnetism or thought-force, let us first take a gen...
Mental Radiation. Continued- Haddock also approvingly quotes the following from Dr. M. P. Hatfield, an authority with whom I, personally, am not familiar: The arrangement of the nerve-envelopes is so like that of the best constr...
Chapter 11. Mental Attitudes- In a preceding chapter, I have stated that the mental phase of personal magnetism consists of two coordinated manifestations of mental power, the first of which was the holding of certain mental stat...
Chapter 12. The Mental Atmosphere- Following the consideration of the first manifestation of the mental phase of personal magnetism in the preceding chapter, we naturally reach the second manifestation of the same, namely: The conscio...
Chapter 13. Magnetic Currents- The magnetic energy of the person, formed by a combination of his physical and mental force, like all other forms of magnetic or electric force, tends to run in currents, and to be transmitted in wave...
Chapter 14. The Direct Flash- We now approach a phase of the general subject of personal magnetism, which is highly important, as well as most interesting to the student, because of its striking and startling features. This phase ...
Chapter 15. Exercises in the Direct Flash- And, now, having mastered the preliminary mirror-exercises, you re ready to begin your experiments on real persons. But, here, too, you must crawl before you can walk and run. You must begin with the ...
Chapter 16. The Positive Aura- Now that you have mastered the technique of the mechanism of the direct flash, you are ready to proceed to the actual demonstration and contact with the general public. But, before taking up that ph...
Chapter 17. The Direct Command- Having by this time acquired the technique of the direct flash, by your mirror-practice; and having, also, mastered the art of cultivating the positive aura, you should be able to manifest what is k...
Chapter 18. The Magnetic Duel- The laws of personal magnetism are in accord with the other laws of nature in recognizing the universal fact that there are various degrees of power, and that, all else being equal, the stronger power...
Chapter 19. Corporeal Magnetism- Before concluding my instruction regarding the subject of the projection of personal magnetism, I wish to have a few words with you on the subject of what maybe called corporeal magnetism. By corpo...
Chapter 20. Magnetic Self-Defense- And, now, having acquainted you with the various forms of the manifestation, projection and use of personal magnetism - having taught you not only the theory, but also the practice; not only how to ac...