The Power Of Concentration | by Theron Q. Dumont
It is of the utmost value to learn how to concentrate. To make the greatest success of anything you must be able to concentrate your entire thought upon the idea you are working on. The person that is able to concentrate utilizes all constructive thoughts and shuts out all destructive ones. The greatest man would accomplish nothing if he lacked concentration.
Title | The Power Of Concentration |
Author | Theron Q. Dumont |
Publisher | Advanced Thought Publishing Co. |
Year | 1918 |
Copyright | 1918, Advanced Thought Publishing Co. |
Amazon | The Power of Concentration |

by Theron Q. Dumont, Author of "Personal Magnetism"; "Practical Memory Training"; "Mental Therapeutics"; "Successful Salesmanship"; "Master Mind"; etc., etc.
Introductory- We all know that in order to accomplish a certain thing we must concentrate. It is of the utmost value to learn how to concentrate. To make a success of anything you must be able to concentrate your e...
Lesson I. Concentration Finds The Way- Everyone has two natures. One wants us to advance and the other wants to pull us back. The one that we cultivate and concentrate on decides what we are at the end. Both natures are trying to gain cont...
Lesson II. The Self-Mastery: Self-Direction Power Of Concentration- Man from a psychological standpoint of development is not what he should be. He does not possess the self-mastery, the self-directing power of concentration that is his by right. He has not trained...
The Self-Mastery: Self-Direction Power Of Concentration. Part 2- Start out in the morning and see how self-poised you can remain all day. At times take an inventory of your actions during the day and see if you have kept your determination. If not, see that you do ...
The Self-Mastery: Self-Direction Power Of Concentration. Part 3- This is a good idea to keep always in mind. When you are uncertain whether you should do something or not, just think whether by doing it you will grow or deteriorate, and act accordingly. I am a f...
Lesson III. How To Gain What You Want Through Concentration- The ignorant person may say, How can you get anything by merely wanting it? I say that through concentration you can get anything you want. Every desire can be gratified. But whether it is, will depe...
Lesson IV. Concentration, The Silent Force That Produces Results In All Business- I want you first to realize how powerful thought is. A thought of fear has turned a person's hair gray in a night. A prisoner condemned to die was told that if he would consent to an experiment and li...
Lesson V. How Concentrated Thought Links All Humanity Together- It is within your power to gratify your every wish. Success is the result of the way you think. I will show you how to think to be successful. The power to rule and attract success is within yourse...
Lesson VI. The Training Of The Will To Do- The Will To Do is the greatest power in the world that is concerned with human accomplishment and no one can in advance determine its limits. The things that we do now would have been a few ages ag...
Lesson VII. The Concentrated Mental Demand- The Mental Demand is the potent force in achievement. The attitude of the mind affects the expression of the face, determines action, changes our physical condition and regulates our lives. I will ...
Lesson VIII. Concentration Gives Mental Poise- You will find that the man that concentrates is well poised, whereas the man that allows his mind to wander is easily upset. When in this state wisdom does not pass from the subconscious storehouse...
Lesson IX. Concentration Can Overcome Bad Habits- Habits make or break us to a far greater extent than we like to admit. Habit is both a powerful enemy and wonderful ally of concentration. You must learn to overcome habits which are injurious to conc...
Lesson X. Business Results Through Concentration- A successful business is not usually the result of chance. Neither is a failure the result of luck. Most failures could be determined in advance if the founders had been studied. It is not always p...
Lesson XI. Concentrate On Courage- Courage is the backbone of man. The man with courage has persistence. He states what he believes and puts it into execution. The courageous man has confidence. He draws to himself all the moral qualit...
Lesson XII. Concentrate On Wealth- It was never intended that man should be poor. When wealth is obtained under the proper conditions it broadens the life. Everything has its value. Everything has a good use and a bad use. The force...
Lesson XIII. You Can Concentrate, But Will You?- All have the ability to concentrate, but will you? You can, but whether you will or not depends on you. It is one thing to be able to do something, and another thing to do it. There is far more abilit...
Lesson XIV. The Art Of Concentrating By Means Of Practical Exercises- Select some thought, and see how long you can hold your mind on it. It is well to have a clock at first and keep track of the time. If you decide to think about health, you can get a great deal of goo...
Exercises In Concentration- The rays of the sun, when focused upon an object by means of a sun glass, produce a heat many times greater than the scattered rays of the same source of light and heat. This is true of attention. Sca...
Exercise 7. Concentration Increases the Sense of Smell- When you take a walk, or drive in the country, or pass a flower garden, concentrate on the odor of flowers and plants. See how many different kinds you can detect. Then choose one particular kind and ...
Exercise 8. Concentration on the Within- Lie down and thoroughly relax your muscles. Concentrate on the beating of your heart. Do not pay any attention to anything else. Think how this great organ is pumping the blood to every part of the bo...
Exercise 9. Concentrating on Sleep- What is known as the water method is, although very simple, very effective in inducing sleep. Put a full glass of clear water on a table in your sleeping room. Sit in a chair beside the table an...
Exercise 10. Concentration Will Save Energy and Appearance- Watch yourself and see if you are not in the habit of moving your hands, thumping something with your fingers or twirling your mustache. Some have the habit of keeping their feet going, as, for instan...
Exercise 11. By Concentration You Can Control Your Temper- If you are one of those that flare up at the slightest provocation and never try to control yourself, just think this over a minute. Does it do you any good? Do you gain anything by it? Doesn't it p...
Exercise 12. Practice Talking Before a Glass- Make two marks on your mirror on a level with your eyes, and think of them as two human eyes looking into yours. Your eyes will probably blink a little at first. Do not move your head, but stand erect...
Exercise 13. The Control of Sensations- Think how you would feel if you were cool; then how you would feel if you were cold; again, how you would feel if it were freezing. In this state you would be shivering all over. Now think of just the...
Exercise 14. The Eastern Way of Concentrating- Sit in a chair with a high back in upright position. Press one finger against the right nostril. Now take a long, deep breath, drawing the breath in gently as you count ten; then expel the breath t...
Exercise 15. Controlling Desires- Desire, which is one of the hardest forces to control, will furnish you with excellent exercises in concentration. It seems natural to want to tell others what you know; but, by learning to control th...
Exercise 16. When You Read- No one can think without first concentrating his thoughts on the subject in hand. Every man and woman should train himself to think clearly. An excellent exercise is to read some short story and then ...
Exercise 17. Concentration Overcomes Bad Habits- If you have a habit that you want to get rid of, shut your eyes and imagine that your real self is standing before you. Now try the power of affirmation; say to yourself, You are not a weakling; you ...
Exercise 18. Watch Concentration- Sit in a chair and place a clock with a second hand on the table. Follow the second hand with your eyes as it goes around. Keep this up for five minutes, thinking of nothing else but the second hand, ...
Exercise 19. Faith Concentration- A belief in the power to concentrate is of course very important. I purposely did not put this exercise in the beginning where it naturally belongs because I wanted you to know that you could learn to...
Lesson XV. Concentrate So You Will Not Forget- A man forgets because he does not concentrate his mind on his purpose, especially at the moment he conceives it. We remember only that which makes a deep impression, hence we must first deepen our imp...
Exercise in Memory Concentration- Select some picture; put it on a table and then look at it for two minutes. Concentrate your attention on this picture, observe every detail; then shut your eyes and see how much you can recall about ...
Nature is a Wonderful Instructor- But there are very few who realize that when we get in touch with nature we discover ourselves. That by listening to her voice, with that curious, inner sense of ours, we learn the oneness of life and...
Lesson XVI. How Concentration Can Fulfill Your Desire- It is a spiritual law that the desire to do necessarily implies the ability to do. You have all read of Aladdin's Lamp, which accomplished such wonderful things. This, of course, is only a fair...
Concentrate on What You Want and Get It- The weakling is controlled by conditions. The strong man controls conditions. You can be either the conqueror or the conquered. By the law of concentration you can achieve your heart's desire. This la...
Lesson XVII. Ideals Developed By Concentration- Through our paltry stir and strife, Glows the wished Ideal, And longing molds in clay, what life Carves in the marble real.-Lowell. We often hear people spoken of as idealists. The fact is we are ...
Concentrate Upon Your Ideals and They Will Become Material Actualities- Through concentration we work out our ideals in physical life. Your future depends upon the ideals you are forming now. Your past ideals are determining your present. Therefore, if you want a brigh...
Lesson XVIII. Mental Control Through Creation- I attended a banquet of inventors recently. Each inventor gave a short talk on something he thought would be accomplished in the future. Many very much needed things were spoken of. One inventor spoke...
Lesson XIX. A Concentrated Will Development- New Method. You will find in this chapter a most effective and most practical method of developing the will. You can develop a strong one if you want to. You can make your Will a dynamo to draw to you...
New Methods of Will-Training- Select a quiet room where you will not be interrupted; have a watch to determine the time, and a note-book in which to enter observations. Start each exercise with date and time of day. Exercise 1 ...
Will Training Without Exercise- There are many people that do not want to take the time to practice exercises, so the following instructions for training the will are given to them. By willing and realizing, the will grows. There...
Concentration of the Will to Win- The adaptability of persons to their business environment is more a matter of determination than anything else. In this age we hear a good deal of talk about a man's aptitudes. Some of his aptitudes, ...
Concentrating on Driving Force Within- We are all conscious, at times, that we have somewhere within us an active driving force that is ever trying to push us onward to better deeds. It is that force that makes us feel determined at time...
Lesson XX. Concentration Reviewed- In bringing this book to a close, I again want to impress you with the inestimable value of concentration, because those that lack this great power or, rather that fail to develop it, will generally s...
Final Concentration Instruction- You now realize that, in order to make your life worthy, useful and happy, you must concentrate. A number of exercises and all the needed instruction has been given. It now remains for you to form ...
Concentrating on the Higher Self- Father Time keeps going on and on. Every day he rolls around means one less day for you on this planet. Most of us only try to master the external conditions of this world. We think our success and ha...
Summary- Introduction. It is of the utmost value to learn how to concentrate. To make the greatest success of anything you must be able to concentrate your entire thought upon the idea you are working on. The ...