The Gastro Duodenalis Artery, about two inches in length, descends behind the first portion of the duodenum, which it separates from the head of the pancreas, and divides into the gastro-epiploica dextra, and the pancreatico-duodenalis: the gastro-epiploica dextra, considerably larger than the latter, proceeds from right to left along the greater curvature of the stomach, both surfaces of which it supplies, and terminates in anastomosing with the gastro-epiploica sinistra, which is a branch of the splenic: its stomachic branches anastomose with the superior pyloric and gastric artery, and with the vasa brevia, while other long straight branches descend from its convexity, between the layers of the great omentum, to supply the transverse colon. The pancreatico-duodenalis, very small, descends between the head of the pancreas and second portion of the duodenum: it supplies both of these parts, and sends a delicate branch between the inferior margin of the pancreas, and the third portion of the duodenum, to anastomose with the superior mesenteric artery.

The right terminating branch of the hepatic artery ascends between the hepatic and cystic ducts anteriorly, and the vena portae and its right branch posteriorly, and sinks into the right extremity of the transverse fissure, to supply the liver: immediately after having passed behind the hepatic duct it gives off the cystic artery, which ascends between the hepatic and cystic ducts, and divides into two branches, one of which is distributed on the superior and the other on the inferior surface of the gall-bladder.

The left terminating branch of the hepatic artery, smaller than the right, ascends in front of the left branch of the vena portae, ultimately gets behind it, and sinks into the left extremity of the transverse fissure to supply the liver.