This section is from the book "Window Gardening", by S. T. Maynard. Also available from Amazon: Window gardening.
A Dressing made expressly for planits grown in the house, gar-den, or conservatory; clean, odorless, and producing early and abundant blossoms of rich and brilliant color, and healthy, luxuriant plants, free from vermin.
This Ammoniated Food was the first odorless Ghemical fertilizer made and sold in this country, and is prepared expressly for flowers grown in the house, garden, or conservatory, and contains the same plant food as stable dressing, but in a cleaner, more concentrated and more soluble form. The stable dressing is disagreeable to handle, slow in its effects, oftentimes breeding vermin about the roots of plants, and, when applied in a warm room, frequently gives off an offensive and unhealthy odor, especially to be avoided if the plants are grown in the " living room." The same is true of rank-smelling guano, which is by some recommended for in-door plants.
This Flower Food gives off no offensive or unhealthy odor, and, being immediately soluble and ready for the plants to take up, produces a much quicker and healthier growth, earlier and more abundant blossoms, of a richer and more brilliant coloring than stable manure, guano, or any other dressing can produce.
It is not a stimulant for plants any more than beef tea is a stimulant for man ; but it is a true plant food, in a form easily and quickly assimilated, the same as beef tea is a concentrated form of nourishment, more quickly and easily digested than raw beef.
Ladies and florists who have used this dressing speak not only of the healthy growth and the early and abundant blossoms which it produces, but also of the deeper and richer, or brighter and more beautiful color it imparts to them.
This Dressing also prolongs the period of blooming, many varieties of plants, like the geranium, blossoming almost continually if properly fed with it. It is therefore not always necessary to set plants away for a season of rest, though this practice is usually advisable, as plants, like animals, need rest.
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