This section is from the book "Window Gardening", by S. T. Maynard. Also available from Amazon: Window gardening.
This showy plant has become very popular as a veranda or lawn plant, and is of easy culture Slips or cuttings are made in July. During the growing season it should have an abundance of plant food and water. It may be successfully wintered in a half-growing state in a cool, dry, and light cellar or in a cool greenhouse. At this time it should be watered only enough to keep the soil a little moist,say once a week. In the spring, when growth begins, it should be repotted in rich soil. The size of the flowers depends upon the vigor of growth of foliage.
Show, Horticultural Hall, Boston.
The following is taken from a pamphlet, on " Window Gardening," published by the Window Gardening Committee of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society :—
"There is a certain charm to young and old alike in the cultivation of house plants, which is not always felt in out-door gardening, or on a more extensive scale in the greenhouse or conservatory. Just why this is we will not attempt to explain ; but we confess ourselves to having often felt more of an attraction for a healthy carnation or a brilliant petunia, which we had nursed from a tiny slip and grown in our window, than for a whole row of choice zinnias or group of roses in our out-door garden. Perhaps it is the sense of absolute control and delightful ownership which lends this added charm, for certainly our window plants are as dependent on us for nourishment and care as a helpless infant in the arms of its mother. Suppose we withhold the needed supply of water for a longer period than usual, the unspoken pleading is shown by the drooping leaves and branches; and how quickly appreciation is shown by brightening up, when moisture is given! There is a real language of flowers, with which only the ardent lover and cultivator of plants can become conversant.
Youthful Window Gardeners with their Prize Plants on the way to the June
" To the lover of the beautiful there is always something new and of untiring interest in plant life, whether his researches be in floriculturel, horticulture, or agriculture ; and no one who is thus brought in contact with Nature can but realize with what wondrous fitness the Author of all has placed those gifts with us for our benefit and enjoyment."
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