This section is from the book "Window Gardening", by S. T. Maynard. Also available from Amazon: Window gardening.
Will this Food destroy insects and vermin on plants? No; but it will protect them from these pests by giving a more vigorous growth; and insects and vermin rarely ever attack strong, healthy, growing plants.
It is dissolved at the rate of two tablespoonfuls in a gallon of water, which is a sufficient quantity at one ti??ie for twenty ordinary house plants like geraniums; and the plants are watered with this solution, the same as if it were clear water, applying a small quantity to the smaller and more tender plants, like heliotropes, and a larger quantity to the larger and more hardy plants, like roses and fuchsias. The solution should be stirred while applying it, as not all of it is immediately soluble in water, but becomes so after remaining in the soil for a little time. The particles which are deposited on the surface should be dug a little way into the earth after the solution is applied. The powder originally is made very fine, but it will lump to some extent, like sugar. These lumps should be made fine before dissolving in water. For roses it should be used in larger quantity, say at the rate of four tablespoonfuls to a gallon of water.
It is applied (at the rate of two tablespoonfuls for twenty plants, dissolved in a gallon of water) once a week for three or four weeks, or until the plants begin to start, which will be noticed in a greener growth. After that, not oftener than once in four or six weeks. The solution should not be poured over the leaves, but directly on the earth, and should not be used in any larger quantity at a time, or oftener than above directed. The ordinary package (No. 2) contains all the plant food twenty house plants should receive in one year, and will give a healthy growth and abundant flowering, and never harm them, except by a more liberal use,—the same as food is essential and beneficial, but, if eaten to excess, is liable to do injury.
It may be thought the quantity is small ; but it is large enough, as will be seen after applying it for a little while. It will keep any length of time.
The effects of this Ammoniated Food will be seen in a week or ten clays on tender succulent plants; but on hardy plants like roses, or plants with woody stems, not under several weeks. The first effects will be to produce a greener and more healthy growth, after that more generous flowering.
For Rose Borders, apply at the rate of 5 lbs. for 100 square feet, worked a little way into the soil. If it is desired to force the growth, a second application of the same quantity may be made a month or six weeks later.
Apply at the rate of 5 lbs. to 100 square feet, thoroughly worked into the soil to the depth of two or three inches. This quantity is recommended when no manure at all is used ; but, if a liberal dressing of manure is applied, then a smaller quantity of the fertilizer should be used.
Sufficient for 20 ordinary-sized plants for three months, 25 cents. Sent by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of price.
Sufficient for 20 ordinary sized plants for one year, 50 cents. Sent by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of price.
Sufficient for 100 plants for one year or for conservatory or greenhouse use, $1.00, delivered free by express to any part of the country on receipt of price.
If your druggist or grocer does not have it do not accept any imitations, but send directly to us for a package, which we will send by mail or express. Remittances may be made by postage stamps, postal note, or money order, which can be obtained at any post-office.
43 Chatham St., Boston, 27 Beaver St., New York. Manufacturers of Special Fertilizers, Bowker's Ammoniated Food for Flowers, and Agricultural Chemicals.
Letters from Prominent Floriculturists who have used Bowker's Food for 'Flowers.
From Hon. WM. H. Spooner, President Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and a large Rose Grower.
Gentlemen: I have used your Food for Flowers as a top dressing for roses planted on benches, also for pot plants^ with great success. It produced a vigorous growth, and brilliant texture to the leaf.
I have used the Food for Flowers, Sulphate of Ammo nia, and horse manure, each on the same number of plants, and the results were strongly in favor of the Food for Flowers. WM. H. Spooner.
From Report of the Window Gardening Committee Massachusetts Horticultural Society.
For a long time there has been a great want among window-gardeners for some kind of dressing that shall not only produce healthy plants, free from vermin, and abundant early blossoms, but which at the same time may be easily applied, without offensive odor, or without injury to the plant. We are glad to say that the Ammoniated Plant Food, made by the Bowker Fertilizer Company of this city is just what is needed, and is especially appreciated by those who live in cities and cannot easily obtain leaf-mould and other suitable fertilizing material.
From the Superintendent of the Boston Public Garden. Boston.
I have used Bowker's Food for Flowers in the flower beds of the Public Garden and Squares of Boston during the past season, and find it to be all that it is represented, both as to producing healthy growth of the plant and its generous flowering.
William Doogue, Supt.
From W. C. Strong, Ex-President of Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and a Large Grower of Flowers and Roses.
Newton, Mass. Gentlemen : For several months past we have used your Plant Fertilizers upon our roses in pots, for the purpose of testing results. While we do not consider the experiment as completed, we yet feel safe in saying that our plants have received very decided benefit, and are now in better condition than we have ever had them at this season. A most excellent condition of wood and roots has been ob. tained. We are so much encouraged that we are now using it upon our rose borders for winter forcing, and confidently expect that we shall be able to give you more positive and very favorable results at a later date.
Yours truly, W. C. Strong.
"Flowers are God1s thoughts in bloom."
"Is there not a soul beyond utterance, half nymph, half child, in those delicate petals which glow and breathe about the centres of deep color ?" -George Eliot.
"Where grows? Where grows it not? If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the soil." —Pope.
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