This section is from the book "A History Of Gardening In England", by Alicia Amherst. Also available from Amazon: A History Of Gardening In England.
Arranged Chronologically under the names of Authors or Translators and under the date of the first edition of their earliest work; —under the title of the Book and date of the first edition, when the writers' names are unknown.
An asterisk affixed to any article implies that the book has not been seen by or for me.
1516 The Grete Herball. Imprented at London in Southwark by me Peter Treveris . . MDXVI, the xx day of June. Folio *
First Edition. It was described by Ames in his Typographical Antiquities; but there is no record of its having been seen by anyone since.
The grete herball . . which is translated out ye Frensshe into Englysshe . . With the mark of Peter Treveris. Folio. Undated *
Described by Hazlitt as printed in " 1525-6 ;" being certainly not earlier than 1525, and apparently anterior to the dated issue of 1526.
The grete herball . . Imprentyd at London in Southwarke by me Peter Treueris . . MDXXVI the xxvii day of July. Folio.
Several copies are extant. The grete herball. MDXXVI I. 18 April *
Such an edition is described by Ames, as printed by Treveris for Laurence Andrew.
The grete herball . . Peter Treueris . . MDXXIX, the xvii day of Marce. Folio.
The grete herball newly corrected. Londini, in edibus Thome Gybson. Anno MDXXXIX. Folio.
The greate Herball . . London, Jhon Kynge, MDLXL Folio 1523 [Fitzherbert's Husbandry] A newe tracte or treatyse moost profytable For All Husbandmen - . Imprinted . . by Rycharde Pynson [in or before 1523] Small 4to. *
There is a copy of this first edition in the Bodleian. In Pinson's edition of Sir Anthony Fitzherbert's Boke of Surveying, printed in 1523, this book is mentioned as having been already published. Its date cannot therefore be later than that year. The authorship by Sir Anthony Fitzherbert is considered doubtful, and in the B. M. Catalogue it is suggested that John Fitzherbert may have been the writer ; but it is clear that Pinson and Berthelet both regarded the judge as the author. For a full discussion of the subject, it will be well to consult the reprint of the Treatise, which was edited by W. W. Skeat for the English Dialect Society in 1882.
-----another edition. Small 4to. in the B. M. supposed to have been printed about 1525.
-another edition. Thomas Berthelet, 1534. Small 8vo.
-— another edition, by the same printer in 1548. Small Various other editions exist.
1525 W. C. [Walter Cary ?] Here begynnyth a newe mater, the whiche sheweth and treateth of ye vertues & proprytes of herbes, the whiche is called an Herball. London, R. Banckes, 1525. Small 4to.
-another edition. Robert Redman [1530 ?]. Small 8vo.
—— A boke of the propreties of Herbes called an herball ..
Also a generall rule of all maner of Herbes drawen out of an auncyent booke of Phisyck by W. C.
W. Copland for J. Wyght [1552 ?]. Small 8vo.
The letters W. C. are supposed by the B. M. cataloguers and by the older writers to mean Walter Cary, whose name appears on the Farewell to Physicke, printed by Denham in 1583 ; but others, including the writer in the Diet, of Nat. Biogr., take them to mean William Copland the printer ; and it is to be remembered that they occur for the first time in Copland's edition.
Other editions by Skot and Kytson ; both undated 1527 Jerome of Brunswick-Andrew. The vertuose boke of Distyllacyon of the waters of all maner of Herbes . . compyled by . . Master Iherom bruynswyke. And now newly Translate out of Duyche into Englysshe [by Laurence Andrew]. Imprinted at London . . by me Laurens Andrewe . . Mcccccxxvii. Folio The translator (who was also the printer) gives his name in the Prologue.
(An edition of 1525 is mentioned in Herbert's Ames; but it had probably no existence).
There were two issues of the book in 1527, but only the leaves at beginning and end were reprinted. The body of the book is identical in each. The first issue is dated the 17 April; the second is dated the 18 April. They are both in the British Museum.
See also under date 1561.
1530 ?] Macer-Linacre. Macer's Herbal practysid by Doctor Linacro. Translated out of laten into Englysshe . . R. Wyer, London . (About 1530). 8vo.
-- A newe Herball of Macer . . R. Wyer. (About 1535).
1538 William Turner. Libellus de Re Herbaria novus, in quo herbarum aliquot nomina greca, Latina &: Anglica habes . . Apud J. Byddellum, Londini, 1538. 4to. eight leaves.
A reprint in facsimile was edited by Mr. B. D. Jackson in 1877, with a life of Turner. Privately printed.
-- The names of herbes in Greke, Latin, Englishe, Duche & Frenche wyth the commune names that Herbanes and Apctecaries use. London, John Day and William Seres [1548]
--A new Herball, wherein are conteyned the names of Herbes in Greke, Latin, Englysh, Duch, Frenche, and in the Potecaries and Herbaries Latin. London, S. Mierdman, 1551- Folio.
—— The seconde parte of W. Turners herball . . Here unto is joyned also a booke of the bath of Baeth in Englande . . Collen, A. Birckman, 1562. Folio.
-The first and seconde partes .. also a Booke of the bath of Baeth. Collen, A. Birckman, 1568. Folio 1540 [Andrew Borde] The boke for to Lerne a man to be wyse in buylding of his howse . . The boke for a good husbande to lerne. Robert Wyer, no date [about 1540]. Small 8vo.
Republished a year or two later by the same printer as part of the Compedyous Regyment bearing Borde's name.
1557 Thomas Tusser. A hundreth good pointes of husbandrie. R. Tottell, London, 1557. In verse (The copy in the British Museum is presumably unique.) Several varying and augmented editions of the " Hundreth good Pointes " were issued between 1561 and 1571. The first edition of the " Five Hundreth Points " (Tusser's enlargement of the former) came out in 1573.
-Five hundreth points of good husbandry united to as many of good huswiferie . . R. Tottel, London, 1573 . . 2 parts, small 4to.
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