Apple Custard

Pare, quarter and core six tart apples ; set them, with six spoonfuls of water, in a pan on the range, and as they soften, put them in a pudding-dish and sprinkle sugar on ; and mix eight eggs, beaten with rolled brown sugar, with three pints of milk ; grate in some nutmeg, and turn the whole over the apples. Bake about twenty-five minutes.

Apple Dumplings

Wash and boil three white potatoes, and grate them; mix well with enough flour to make ten or twelve dumplings ; add water and salt. Roll out the dough, and put an apple in each piece of crust. Place them in nets, and then put them in hot water, and boil half an hour.

Bag Pudding

One quart of flour, one tincupful of milk, four eggs, a small teaspoonful of soda. Boil in a tin kettle one hour and a half.

Sauce—one half-pint of milk, one egg, four tablespoonfuls of sugar; let it come to a boil; flavor with wine or lemon.

Lenoir Batter Pudding

One pint of milk, three eggs, pinch of salt, one pint of flour. Mix all well together, and bake half an hour. To be eaten with sauce.

Suet Batter Pudding

Beat eight eggs very light, mix them in a pint of milk, pinch of salt; mix by degrees enough flour to make a pretty stiff batter; then add a quarter-pound of beef suet, half-pound of seeded raisins, three teaspoonfuls of Royal Baking Powder. Grease a shape well, and flour it, then put the batter in and put it in a pot of boiling water; boil for three hours. To be eaten with vanilla sauce.

Berry Pudding—Boiled Or Steamed

Take two cupfuls of flour, one cupful of sour milk, two eggs, one teaspoonful of baking powder, quarter of a cupful of molasses, one pint of berries. Cook one hour.

Boiled Bread Pudding

Take half-pound of stale bread-crumbs, half-pound of beef suet, chopped fine, one quart of milk, half-pound of seeded raisins, half-pound of currants, four eggs, teaspoonful of baking powder; add flour to make a stiff batter; put it in a greased mould and boil three hours. Serve with sauce.

"The Arcadian" Bread Pudding

Take light white bread, cut it in thin slices, put it in a pudding-mould and spread on it any kind of preserve, then slices of bread, and repeat until the mould is full. Pour over all a pint of warm milk in which four beaten eggs have been mixed; cover the mould with a piece of linen, then place it in a saucepan containing a little boiling water. Let it boil twenty minutes. Serve with sauce.

Brown Betty Pudding

Put a layer of apples, chopped fine, in a baking-dish, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, a layer of bread-crumbs with butter, cinnamon and sugar, then another layer of apples, and repeat until the dish is filled. Bake it an hour to an hour and a half in a good oven. Make a sauce of one pint of milk, one egg, four tablespoonfuls of sugar; let it come to a boil; flavor with vanilla, lemon, nutmeg or wine, as you please.