Boiled Fruit Pudding

Make a crust as for boiled dumplings; line a bowl, that has a rim round it, with the paste. Then fill it with plums, or gooseberries, with plenty of sugar; put a crust over and trim off the edges and press the edges together. Then put a plate over the bowl, then a pudding-cloth over that; tie it with strong twine; take up the ends of the cloth, and pin it on top, and put it in boiling water. Boil it two hours.

Orchard Cherry Pudding

Make a batter of one pint of milk, three eggs, teaspoonful of baking powder, a pinch of salt, with flour enough to make a stiff batter. Have ready two quarts of sour cherries, seeded; mix them in the batter. Put the pudding in a floured bag or mould, and boil one hour and a half. To be eaten with straAvberry-sauce, made of one quart of strawberries, mashed, half-cupful of butter, one and a half cupfuls of sugar; mix the butter and sugar to a cream ; add the berries and serve.

Cold Chocolate Pudding

Take a quarter-pound of chocolate, one pint of milk, the yolks of four eggs, a teaspoonful of vanilla, one ounce of sugar, half-ounce of gelatine, and a half-gill of cold water ; grate the chocolate and put it in the milk to boil with the water; melt the gelatine. When the chocolate and milk boil, draw them aside to cool a little, then put the eggs in a basin and pour the milk and chocolate over them ; then add the sugar and melted gelatine. Pour all this back into the saucepan, and stir all the ingredients over the fire until the eggs set. Then add the vanilla, which should be the last thing of all; put it in a mould to cool. Serve with cream.

Cottage Pudding

Beat to a cream one cupful of good brown sugar, and twro and a half large spoonfuls of good butter. When well creamed, stir in two well-Avhipped eggs, a little grated nutmeg, and a large spoonful of orange-flower water; sift into a pan one pint of flour; add two teaspoonfuls of Royal Baking Powder. Mix the flour and eggs and spice together, then add the milk; beat these well together; butter a baking-dish and pour in the pudding. Bake half an hour, and serve with wine sauce.

Dandy Pudding

Take six eggs, two quarts of milk ; separate the yolks, and add two tablespoonfuls of flour; make it like soft custard; beat the whites to a froth, with sugar to make it thick enough to drop on the custard ; put it in the pudding-dish, and brown it in the oven.

English Plum Pudding

Take one pound of raisins, one pound and a quarter of flour, three-quarters of a pound of suet, one pound of currants, half-pound of sugar, six eggs, half of a nutmeg, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, half-pint of milk, one ounce of candied lemon, half-ounce of citron, salt-spoonful of salt, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, six bitter almonds or a small teaspoonful of extract of almonds, one wine-glassful of brandy. Mix the flour and milk together, then add the eggs well beaten, then the fruit, (the raisins being stoned); beat all well, as much depends on the stirring. Add the spice and brandy; then grease and flour a tin mould, put the batter into it, and place the mould in a pot of boiling water; don't let the water come to the top of the mould. Boil it six hours.

In chopping suet, sprinkle flour over it while chopping, to prevent the pieces from adhering.