Merton College Lemon Pie

One lemon, one cupful of sugar, one cupful of water, one egg, one tablespoonful of cream, one tablespoonful of flour. Bake in a crust. This will make two pies.

Gordale Lemon Pudding

One pound of sugar, half-pound of butter, five eggs, the rind and juice of two large lemons; add nearly a tumblerful of milk. Beat the sugar and butter to a cream, then add the milk, then the well beaten eggs, then the juice and rind of the lemons, and a wine-glassful of wine or brandy. Bake in a good crust.

Mince Pies (Made From Remnants Of Cold Beef)

A good disposition, in winter, of cold roast beef, is to make with it two or three mince pies, as by the following receipt :

One cupful of chopped meat, (quarter of it fat,) two cupfuls of apple, one teaspoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of ground allspice, half-tablespoonful of cinnamon, half-table-spoonful of cloves, one cupful of sugar, half-cupful of raisins, half-cupful of currants, small piece of citron, and candied lemon, one small orange (grated rind and juice), one cupful of cider, half-cupful of wine and brandy, mixed, or more if you like.

Virginia Pumpkin Pies

Take the seeds out of a good pumpkin, cut the rind carefully away and then cut the pumpkin into thin and narrow bits. Stew over a moderate fire in a little water (just enough to keep the mass from burning), until soft. Turn off the water, if any remains, and let the pumpkin steam over a slow fire about ten minutes ; when sufficiently cool, strain through a sieve. Sweeten the pumpkin with sugar and a little molasses.

The sugar and eggs should be beaten together; the flavoring requires ginger, the grated rind of a lemon, or nutmeg, and salt. To one quart of pumpkin add one quart of milk and four eggs. Heat the pumpkin again scalding hot before putting it upon the crust to bake; otherwise the crust will be soaked. Bake in a very hot oven.

Sweet Potato Pie

Three large sweet potatoes, eight well beaten eggs, enough milk to make it quite thin. Mash the potatoes very smooth, then add the milk and eggs, and flavor with vanilla. Bake in a good under-crust.

Scotch White Potato Pie

Three boiled potatoes, grated, a piece of butter size of an egg, two eggs, one gill of cream, a little nutmeg, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one tablespoonful of brandy. Beat the sugar and eggs together and mix with the potatoes, then add the rest, except the brandy, w'hich must not be put in until ready to bake. Bake with a good crust.

California Doughnuts

Take one pint of boiled milk, one cupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of mashed potatoes, two eggs, one cupful of yeast, add a little flour. All of these ingredients mix at noon and allow to stand until bed-time; then mix enough flour to make a ^soft dough. Next morning roll out for baking; the dough should be as soft as can be handled.