The Book Of The White Butterflies | By Margaret J. Borthwick
This book contains a collection of poems and thoughts

White Butterflies- THEY ask me the meaning of my dreams. Why ask me? Because I print a dream must I also append a meaning? A dream is a thought, sometimes only the casket that encloses the thought, as a flower encloses ...
The Mark Of A High Calling- ALL through the afternoon I had been trying to arrange in my mind thoughts of what I took to be a legend of the robin. I could not quite make out, how much was imagination and how much memory of some ...
The Stillness Of A Winter's Afternoon- IKNEEL at my window and say to my heart, What doest thou? Nothing, comes the answer, nothing but keeping still. Drink in the stillness of the mild winter's afternoon. See the stillness of the...
The Dream Of The Three Woods- IREMEMBER a bank of wood lying to the sun, a small plantation of straggly trees. There at the end of April or beginning of May, in weather, when the heart sings, when the whole world laughs, and there...
I Dreamed- I DREAMED out of the past, a shaft of light striking up, over, and through my life, I see myself standing on the edge of an immense sheet of gleaming sullen water. A river in full flood brimming from ...
Light And Shade- I WAS thinking of being in the shade, living in the shade, and that in the shade, one cannot cast a shadow. To have any shadow at all, there must be great light. Those who throw shadows, how careful t...
Where The Sea Calls- MY dream brings out of the past, an old farmhouse standing up on the ridge between the moors on the one side, and the slope of the land to the sea on the other. A straight built house with garden lyin...
To Live Is To Desire- 1 I WANT the full corn in the ear, the corn and the blade. I want the bitter with the sweet, no matter what is paid. I want the blossom and the fruit, no matter what it be, I want the heart o...
Afternoon- 1 THE afternoon is slipping fast away, The sky is turning softer gray to gray, The hedgerows stand more black against the road, And heavy seems the last brought in cart-load. 2 The sunset cri...
There Are No Dead- 1 DEEP in the dark they are hidden, Down under the sod, Sleeping the while they are bidden, Where no man has trod. 2 Warm is the earth as a mother, Life stirs in her folds, Kind is the earth ...
Blind- 1 I CANNOT see the colours in the sky, I cannot see the wild birds as they fly, I know not if there rain or shine can be, For all alike are day and night to me. 2 I hopeless stand upon the br...
Comfort- 1 THEY say that comfort comes from being still, That mighty ease is just surrendered will. By giving up our strivings we do end. And to his power our stubborn wills must bend. 2 They sa...
By Diverse Ways- 1 THERE are broken threads, I cannot knit to-night, There are thoughts astray, that will not bear the light, Hopes and fears of wild rash wandering ways, The crushed up longings of a hundred day...
But For The Grace Of God- IPRAY thee, O God, of thy good kindness That in thy light, I may show charity. I pray thee, O God, of thy good kindness That in thy sight I may show charity. I pray thee, O God, of thy just pity. ...
By The South Pole- 1 IDREAM the cold white lands in Southron seas, Where high the waves are tossed. I dream the fogs that veil those Southron shores Those dread black cliffs ne'er crossed. 2 I see the ships tha...
Dream XX- I DREAMT of the golden palace, I dreamt of a wonderful sea, And every bit of that palace Was surely made for me. I saw there such beautiful colours, I saw there such wonderful waves, And all of tho...
Homewards- 1 COLD, it is cold, and my sad heart is still. The day is gray, and dark, and clouds Scud o'er the sky, the rain blots out the hill. 2 Strange is the light and my sad eyes are blank. The w...
Song- 1 I SPOKE not a word as I waited, I waited the whole day long, And just as I tired of waiting He came to me with a song. 2 I gave not a sign as I waited, Just stood by the window pane, And ju...
The Mother- 1 SUCH a toddling tot that scarcely yet can walk, Just the wee-est thing, that scarcely yet can talk. Just looks up, for that dearest smile on earth, The mother's smile, who stands so tall upon the...
A Desert Dream- THE cry came from the city, where lights shone white in the clear light of the desert night. The call to prayer Allah Ul Allah — No God but one and Mahomet is his prophet. We hastened on at the ca...
The Adventure Of Death- WHEN one thinks of an adventure, how one at once thinks of a journey, a setting out to get to the end of something. Do we come upon adventures sitting still? I hardly think so, the mere fact of the...
Just One Thing- OUT into the night. Oh! soul of mine out into the night. There is naught in all the world, But the Cross of Christ To bring thee light. Out into the night. Out into the day. Oh ! soul of mine ou...