Where To Go

Book to Punta Gorda, in Florida, viā New York and Jacksonville. From Punta Gorda access to Fort Myers, Punta Rassa, Naples, St. James City, or Marco is easy. Fort Myers is the most popular resort, and records most 'kills.' Access by steamer.

Best Time To Arrive

March, April, and May. It is often too cold earlier, and much too hot to be pleasant later.

Cost Of The Trip

The cost of a trip to Florida, including return ticket from Liverpool to New York by a White Star steamer, train or steamboat from Jacksonville to New York City, train from Jacksonville to Punta Gorda, and then by boat, including a month's stay in Florida and hire of guide (ten shillings daily), should not exceed from 100 l. to 120 l.

Living is not dear at the hotels. The kind of people who go for tarpon fishing are not those of the objectionable type who wish to make a splash with their money. If one is going to remain at a place for a time, it is well to make an arrangement with the hotel proprietor, as a considerable reduction can be effected thereby.

Food, as a rule, is reasonably good, fish and game being so abundant, and the American system of transporting beef from Chicago to all parts of the Union enables remote districts to get a good supply.