This section is from the book "The Book Of Woodcraft", by Ernest Thompson Seton. Also available from Amazon: The Book of Woodcraft.
The Degree of Pathfinder is conferred on those who take 12 of these tests:
1. Know every land bypath and short cut for a distance of at least 2 miles in every direction around your local headquarters in the country. (1 mile in L. L).
*2. Have a general knowledge of the district within a 5-mile radius of his local headquarters, so as to be able to guide people at any time, by day or night. (2 miles for L.L).
3. Know the general direction and population of the 5 principal neighboring towns and be able to give strangers correct directions how to reach them. (3 towns in L. L).
4. Know the country in 2-mile radius, or in a town must know in a 1/2-mile radius what livery stables, garages, and blacksmiths there are. (1 mile in L. L).
5. Know the location of the nearest meat markets, bakeries, groceries, and drug stores.
*6. Know where the nearest police station, hospital, doctor, fire alarm, fire hydrant, telegraph and telephone offices, and railroad stations are.
*7. Know something of the history of the place, its principal public buildings, such as town or city hall, post-office, schools, and churches.
8. As much as possible of the above information should be entered on a large scale map.
9. Fell a 6-inch tree or pole in a prescribed direction so as to fall between two stakes 2 feet apart, within 60 seconds. (4 feet and 2 minutes for L. L).
10. Tie 6 kinds of knots quickly. (4 for L. L).
11. Lash spars properly together for scaffolding. *12. Build a modern bridge or derrick.
13. Make a camp kitchen.
14. Build a shack or cabin of one kind or another suitable for three occupants.
15. Walk 1 mile in 11 minutes. (15 for L. L).
16. Run 100 yards in 13 seconds. (Not open for L. L).
17. Run 50 yards in 7 4/5 seconds. (Not open to L. L).
18. Swim 100 yards.
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