This section is from the book "The Anatomy Of The Human Skeleton", by J. Ernest Frazer. Also available from Amazon: The anatomy of the human skeleton.
Notice the position (Fig. 140) of this bone in the foot, which is such that the rounded tuberosity looks downwards on the inner side. The convex dorsal surface has markings for dorsal ligamentous connections with neighbouring bones and for fibres of the internal lateral ligament.
The plantar surface has the projection of the tuberosity, into which the direct tendon of Tibialis posticus is inserted, on its inner side, and is roughly concave external to this : here are attached strong ligaments of the transverse group (cubo-navicular) and longitudinal arch (plantar calcaneonavicular) . The outer end of the bone may have ligamentous attachment to the cuboid or may present an articular facet for that bone, continuous with the facet for the outer cuneiform : very rarely there may be a small surface also for the os calcis. The posterior surface is practically altogether articular, the long oval concavity for the astragalus having its long axis directed downwards and inwards. The anterior surface is covered by the confluent triangular facets for the cuneiforms : observe that the two outer ones have their bases upwards, but the inner one has its apex upwards.
The scaphoid and the cuneiforms which it supports are cartilaginous at birth.
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