This section is from the book "Anatomy Of The Arteries Of The Human Body", by John Hatch Power. Also available from Amazon: Anatomy of the Arteries of the Human Body, with the Descriptive Anatomy of the Heart.
The Anterior Crural Nerve, opposite Poupart's ligament, lies in the groove between the psoas and iliacus muscles, separated from the artery by some of the fibres of the psoas muscle, and by the iliac fascia which covers the nerve and tomotica Magna Artery. 45, 45, Muscular Twig from same vessel. 46, Twig to the Patella. 47, Terminating twigs of the Superior External Articular Artery. 48, Twig from the Tibial Recurrent Artery. 49, Arterial Anastomosis over the Patella. 50, The Cremasteric branch of Epigastric. 51, Spermatic Cord, cut. 52, Crurtaeus Muscle. 53, Aponeurotic Opening in the Adductor Magnus, with the Anastomotica Magna. 54, Semi-membranosus. 55, Twig from the Anastomotica Magna. 56, Ten-diuous expansion over the Knee, cut and turned forward. 57, Internal portion of Gastrocnemius. 58, Internal Iliac Artery. 59, 59, Branches of the Ilio-lumbar Artery. 60, The External Iliac Artery. 61, The Epigastric Artery. 62, Cremasteric Artery. 63, Internal Circumflexa Ilii. 64, External Circumflex. 65, Ascending branch of preceding artery. 66. Muscular twig for the Quadriceps. 67, First Perforating Artery. 68, The Second Perforating Artery. 69, Profunda passing behind Adductor Longus. 70, The Femoral Artery displaced inwards to show the Profunda. 71, Muscular twig from the Femoral for the Adductors. 72, Muscular twig. 73, Anastomotica Magna. 74, Branch from the preceding vessel running through the Vastus Internus; the muscle is partly divided, to show this course. 75, Superior Internal Articular Artery. 76, The Inferior Internal Articular Artery. 77, The Patellar Arterial Anastomosis. 78, Sural Artery lies behind the artery. Three branches of this nerve are related to the artery in its course down the thigh. One of them accompanies the sartorius muscle, and is lost at the inside of the knee-joint; the second is the internal saphenous nerve ; at first it lies external, and afterwards crosses in front of the artery, running at the same time inwards as it descends in the thigh; it then accompanies the anastomotic artery, and lastly the saphena vein: the third branch descends on the outside of the artery, and drops near the middle of the thigh into the vastus internus muscle. The second and third branches are contained within the Hunterian canal, but not within the sheath of the vessels.
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