If the ulnar artery be wounded in its superior third, we may either adopt the method recommended by Mr. Guthrie, and cut down through the mass of muscles which covers it, taking care to avoid the median nerve; or we may tie the brachial artery in its inferior third: the latter proceeding, in conjunction with the employment of graduated compresses and bandages to the part of the limb below this, is to be preferred. If the upper part of the ulnar artery be affected with aneurism, tying the brachial is the only proper course. If it be necessary to tie the ulnar artery lower down, as in cases of wounds, it will be readily found by cutting on the interval between the flexor sublimis digitorum and flexor carpi ulnaris. The fascia should be divided on a director, and the needle carried round the vessel from within outwards, taking care to avoid the nerve which lies to its ulnar side, and the venae comites which lie one on either side.

Wounds of the palmar arch generally bleed profusely. If a spouting vessel present itself, it may be seized with the tenaculum, and secured in a ligature. This practice, however, is seldom available, as the blood generally flows from a number of orifices, which are by no means distinct. In such case the surgeon should close the wound, and employ a bandage with graduated compresses; or, if this should fail, he may introduce into it a bit of sponge, covered with gauze to prevent the lymph effused from lodging in its cells, and then apply the bandage and compresses as before: this, with the temporary application of the tourniquet to the brachial artery, or the application of compresses placed on the ulnar and radial arteries, will usually be sufficient even in severe cases. Sometimes, however, it may be necessary to tie one or both arteries of the fore-arm : even after this the hemorrhage has continued, and in an instance of the kind, Mr. Adams has succeeded in restraining the bleeding by the application of a compress and bandage over the back of the wrist, so as to exercise pressure on the dorsal carpal arteries. If the wound be towards the radial side, we should tie the radial first; and if on the ulnar side, the ulnar artery should be first secured. It should be recollected that sometimes the artery accompanying the median nerve, and the anterior interosseal artery, are particularly large, and terminate in the superficial or deep arch.