This section is from the book "The Control Of Hunger In Health And Disease", by Anton Julius Carlson. Also available from Amazon: The Control of Hunger in Health and Disease.
The total solids of the pure gastric juice of Mr. V. vary from 0.48 gm. to 0.58 gm. per 100 ex., of which 0.34 gm. to 0.47 gm. is organic, and o.n gm. to 0.14 gm. inorganic material. The hydrochloric acid is, of course, expelled in the evaporation and drying of the gastric-juice residue.
The hunger gastric juice (continuous secretion) is distinctly higher than the appetite juice both in total and in organic solids.
The gastric juice or fluid in the empty stomach is distinctly more dilute than the appetite juice, although it may approach the concentration of the latter in cases where the rate of the continuous secretion is considerable.
The foregoing figures on Mr. V.'s appetite gastric juice are slightly higher than those given by Sommerfeld for the gastric juice from a ten-year-old girl, namely 0.40 gm. to 0.47 gm. Schmidt found in a human gastric-fistula case 0.58 gm. of total solids in the gastric juice, of which 0.32 gm. was organic, and 0.26 gm. inorganic. But Schmidt did not work with pure gastric juice. This is evident from his method of obtaining the juice, as well as from the fact that the acidity of the juice was only 0.20 gm. or less than half that of normal human gastric juice. Albu reports one experiment on a patient with hypersecretion finding the percentage of solids only 0.24 gm., practically all of which (0.23 gm.) was inorganic salts. He also reports one determination on normal human gastric juice (pure appetite juice) in which the inorganic solids were 0.18 gm.; the organic solids are not given.
Our results on Mr. V. agree closely with most of those reported for the gastric juice of dogs. The total concentration of organic and inorganic substances is therefore about the same in the normal gastric juice (appetite juice) of man and dog.
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