This section is from the book "Vegetable Gardening", by Ralph L. Watts. Also available from Amazon: Vegetable Gardening.
When rows of asparagus are ridged to the usual height, the shoots must make an additional growth of 5 to 10 inches before they reach the light, and if cut as soon as the tips appear above ground, the product is known as white "grass" or white asparagus. If the ridge is slight or only a few inches high and the spears cut at or only a few inches below the surface of the ground, the product is known as green "grass," or green asparagus.
In deciding which of these two kinds to grow the following facts should be considered: (i) There is a great difference of opinion regarding the two types. Greiner ("How to Make the Garden Pay," p. 143) says, "It is true that the lower end of each white stalk is apt to be somewhat tough and needs peeling and perhaps shortening, but the flavor is decidedly milder, and of a more refined character than that of the stronger flavored green stalks." A very extensive and highly successful grower of green shoots describes their flavor as "extremely delicate." Probably nine-tenths of American growers use only the green shoots on their own tables. (2) The stalks diminish in size after they reach the surface of the ground and, therefore, it takes more plants to produce a bunch of green stalks than of white. This difficulty can, without doubt, be overcome to a great extent by skillful seed and plant selection. (3) The demand for the green product is rapidly increasing. Our markets are paying better prices for green, and this possibly offsets the lighter production to the plant. (4) As the soil is not needed for ridging in growing green shoots, the rows may be planted much closer, thus increasing the yield to the acre. (5) High-grade white spears can be grown only in sandy soils, while there is no such limitation with the unblanched shoots. (6) It is more difficult to control beetles in growing green shoots, because the stalks are more exposed to their attacks.
Whatever points may be raised for or against each type, it is unquestionably true that green shoots are becoming more popular in all sections.
When it is realized that the asparagus plantation is to last 10 years or longer, too much thought and care cannot be given to the preparation of the soil. In the famous fields of France a common practice is to trench the soil to the depth of 2 or 3 feet before planting and to work in large quantities of manure. Formerly, trenching was popular in this country, but it has been abandoned among commercial growers. A study of the habit of root growth has led to the conclusion that little if anything is to be gained by unusually deep preparation.
Subsoiling is seldom practiced by commercial growers, and it is of doubtful permanent benefit. The soil should not be plowed deeper than its natural depth, but there should be complete pulverization to the full depth of the plow furrow. To accomplish this a disk or a cutaway harrow can be used repeatedly to advantage before plowing. This treatment is especially important when sod lands are to be planted. After plowing, the same types of harrows should be employed until the ground is in perfect condition. While it is customary to plant land that grew other vegetables the previous year, some of the most successful growers prefer to precede the asparagus plants with clover sod. The crop has been known to thrive remarkably well planted on land which has produced alfalfa for several years.
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