Alsoe one passage or way now used as a Garden, lyinge on ye West parte of the afforesayd house called the Laundrie house, and leadeth from the house to ye said garden, called ye Laundrie Garden, conteyninge in length 11 perches and a halfe. and in breadth on ye East parte two perches and a halfe of land, and on the West parte one pearch ; and there is planted on ye North side of the walls, fower Vine trees, one Almond tree, 3 Plumme trees, 5 Barberrie trees, and on ye other side Rose trees, and ye middle dugg up for Inions, lettice, and ye like. And at ye west end of ye same one Doore way goeinge into another garden called by ye name of the Laundrie garden, conteyninge 3 roodes and fower pole, compassed aboute with a high brick wall, consistinge of one streight gravelled walke, betweene the Bricke wall and the hedge or Rainge of Gooseberrie trees and Rose trees, with two stepps discendinge into ye middle of ye garden; and round ye garden are several wall trees planted, (vizt) 5 aprecock trees, 11 peach trees, 28 vines, 55 cherrie trees, bearinge choyce and rare cherries; also 12 bay trees, with divers other trees; as also a summer or shaddow house standinge in ye middle of the afforesd garden, seated round, and built turratt fashion, and covered with slatt, with a nurcerie in ye middle of ye garden, and some apple and peare trees, wth divers other small stockes and younge plantes, moted round.