This section is from the book "A History Of Gardening In England", by Alicia Amherst. Also available from Amazon: A History Of Gardening In England.
1772 Louis de St. Pierre. The Art of planting and cultivating the Vine, etc. according to the most approved methods in France. London, 1772. 12mo.
Sir William Chambers. A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening. London, 1772. 4to.
The second, being the only other edition, 1773.
1773 Andrew Coltee Ducarel, ll.b. and ll.d. A Letter to Win. Watson, m.d., upon the early Cultivation of Botany in England ; and some particulars about John Tradescant, Gardener to King Charles I. London, 1773. 4to.
1774 John Coakley Lettsom. Hortus Uptoneniis. A Catalogue of Dr. Fothergill's garden at Upton at the time of his decease. (No date) c. 1774. 8vo.
- Grovehill, a rural and horticultural sketch. 1784. 4to.
- A translation of Abbe de Commerell's account of the culture of the Mangel Wurzel or Root of Scarcity. London, 1788.
1775 LinnaEUS—Jenkinson. A Generic and Specific Description of British Plants ; translated from the Genera et Species Plantarum, of Linnaeus; with Notes and Observations, by James Jenkinson. Kendal, 1775. 8vo.
Rev. Samuel Ward. A Modern System of Natural History, containing accurate descriptions and faithful histories of animals, vegetables, and minerals. London, 1775-77. 1-2 vols. 12mo. *
- An Essay on the different natural Situations of Gardens.
London, 1775. 4to. *
1776 Henry Home, Lord Kames. The Gentleman Farmer.
Edinburgh, 1776. 8vo.
Several later editions—the sixth in 1815.
William Withering, m.d., f.r.s., f.l.s. A Botanical Arrangement of all the Vegetables naturally growing in Great Britain, with an easy Introduction to the Study of Botanv. (Plates.) Birm. 1776. 2 vols. 8vo.
- 2nd edition. London, 1778-90. 3 vols.
-3rd edition. 1796. 4 vols. *
1777 James Anderson, ll.d. Thoughts on Planting (first appeared in the Edinburgh Weekly Magazine), by Agri-cola. Edin. 1777. 8vo. *
- A Description of a Patent Hot-house, etc. London.
1804. 12mo.
William Wilson. A Treatise on the forcing" of Early Fruits, and the management of Hot Walls. London, 1777. 12mo.
Conrad Loddige's Catalogue of Plants and Seeds sold by C. L . . at Hackney near London. 1777. 8vo. The names of plants are in German as well as in English. - The Botanical Cabinet. London, 1818-33. 20 vols. 8vo.
Joseph Heeley. Letter on the Beauties of Hagley, Envil and the Leasowes, etc. London, 1777. 12mo. -— Description of Hagley Park. London, 1777. 8vo.
1778 The Practical Gardener, etc. London, 1778. No author's name. *
N. Swinden. The Beauties of Flora displayed, etc. London, 1778. 8vo.
1779 Adam Neale. A Catalogue of Plants in the garden of John Blackburne, Esq., at Orford, Lancashire, alphabetically arranged, according to the Linnean system. Warrington, 1779. 8vo.
William Speechley. A Treatise on the cultivation of the Pine Apple. York, 1779. 8vo.
- A Treatise on the culture of the Vine in England.
York, 1790. 4to.
Thomas Ellis (gardener to the Bishop of London). The Gardener's Pocket Calendar. London, 1779. 12mo. An earlier edition is said to have been published anonymously in 1770.
1780 Alexander Wilsox, m.d. Some Observations relating to the Influence of Climate on Vegetables and Animal Bodies. London, 1780. 8vo. Johx Tkusler. Practical Husbandry. 1780. 8vo.
-- Elements of Modern Gardening. 8vo.
The title-page has neither name nor date. The B.M. Catalogue ascribes it to Trusler, and assigns it to the year 1800. Johnson does not give any author, and dates it 1784.
1781 William Houstoux, d.d. Reliquiae Houstounianae, a Catalogue and Description of Plants. 1781. 4to. Published by Sir Joseph Banks.
1781 Samuel Fullmer. The Young Gardener's best Companion for the Kitchen and Fruit Garden. London, 1781. 12mo.
1782 William Rally. A Treatise on the Management of Potatoes.
London, 1782. 8vo.
1783 Ermexonville—Malthus. An Essay on Landscape. From the French of Ermenonville. 1783. 12mo. *
No author's name, but said by Johnson to be by Mr. Malthus.
Charles Bryaxt. Flora Diaetetica, or History of Esculent Plants, etc. London, 1783. 8vo.
- A Dictionary of the Ornamental Trees, etc. Norwich, 1790. 8vo.
De Lille-On Gardening. Translated from the French of l'Abbe de Lille. 1783. 4to. *
William Falconer, m.d., f.r.s. An Historical View of the Taste for Gardening and Laying out Grounds among the Nations of Antiquity. 1783. 8vo. *
- An Essay on the Preservation of the Health of Persons employed in Agriculture, etc. Bath, 1789. 8vo.
- Miscellaneous Tracts and Collections relating to Natural History, etc. Cambridge, 1793. 4to. Thomas Kyle. A Treatise on the Management of Peach and Nectarine Trees, either in forcing-houses, or on hot and common walls. Edinburgh, 1783. 8vo. Catalogue of Plants, with their English and Latin Linnaean names, sold by Lucker and Smith, Dalston. 1783. 8vo.
William Gilpin. Observations . . . relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty. 1783 to 1809. 11 separate vols. 8vo.
Several distinct works, descriptive of Tours in different parts of England, containing accounts of gardens, etc.
1785 Samuel Felton. Miscellanies on Ancient and Modern Gardening, and on the Scenery of Nature. London, 1785. 8vo. *
Without author's name.
- On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening.
London, 1828. 8vo.
-Gleanings on Gardens, chiefly respecting the ancient style in England. London, 1829. 8vo.
William Marshall. Planting and Ornamental Gardening: a Practical Treatise. London, 1785. 8vo. Without author's name.
• 2nd edition, with the title Planting and Rural Ornament. London, 1796. 8vo.
James Bolton. Filices Britanniae, an History of the British proper Ferns, with plain and accurate Descriptions, etc. Leeds, 1785 John, Earl of Bute. Botanical Tables, containing the different families of British Plants, etc. London, 1785.
9 vols. 8vo- *
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