One pint of rich cream, one cup of pale sherry, one lemon, grated rind and juice, half a cup of sugar. Mix in-order given. Add more sugar if desired. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then whip it. take off the froth as it rises, and put on a hair sieve. Fill jelly glasses with cream left; put froth on top.

To Whip Cream. Syllabub

Place a bowl half filled with cream into a pan of broken ice and water. When very cold put a whip churn into cream and keep the cover in place with the left hand. Tip the churn slightly, that the cream may flow out at the bottom. Work the dasher with a short stroke up and a hard, pushing stroke down. When the froth appears stir it down once or twice, as the first bubbles are too large ; and when the bowl is full of the froth skim it off, pile on a sieve placed over a bowl. Take off the froth only, and do not take it off below the holes in the cylinder. All the cream will not whip ; a little will be left in the bowl. One pint of cream will make three pints of whipped cream.

To Whip Cream Stiff

Whip rich cream as above directed without removing froth. In a short time it will be stiff. Keep on ice Until required. Cream taken from the milk that has been set over night is too fresh to whip. It must be put on ice for at least six hours before whipping.

Tapioca Cream

Is made by any of the recipes for boiled custard, adding one-fourth of a cup of soaked tapioca boiled in the milk, before adding eggs. In boiled custards if cornstarch is used fewer eggs will be required.

Lemon Foam

Four eggs, juice two lemons, rind one-half lemon, four large tablespoons sugar, stir the sugar and yolks of eggs together, put in double boiler, when stiff, remove. Stir in the whites. Serve in glasses.

Siberian Cream

One-half package gelatine (Nelson's is the best); one quart of milk. Soak the gelatine in part of the milk; beat the yolks of three eggs with one teacup of sugar; heat the rest of the milk and pour over the soaked gelatine, then mix with the eggs and sugar. Flavor with vanilla and sherry wine to taste; set on the stove and stir until it curdles on the spoon; beat the whites to a froth and pour over the hot mixture and stir them in slightly. Set away in a shallow pan. When cold cut in square blocks resembling ice, and serve.