Date Surprise

1 tablespoon butter 4 tablespoons cornstarch.

3 tablespoons sugar 1 cup chopped dates.

1 quart milk 1 teaspoon almond extract y2 teaspoon vanilla.

Heat milk and sugar in a double boiler. Mix the cornstarch in cold milk and stir into the hot milk. Cook twenty minutes. Add chopped dates. Remove from the heat and add almond and vanilla extract. Serve with whipped cream with a seeded date on top.

Indian Trifle

3 tablespoons rice flour or cornstarch.

3 tablespoons white cornmeal.

3 cups milk.

4 tablespoons sugar 1/2 cup shaved citron 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon.

Mix the rice flour and cornmeal. Scald milk and pour slowly over the flour and meal. Stir over the fire until quite thick. Add sugar, citron and cinnamon and cook in double boiler 2 or 3 hours. Turn into molds or a glass dish and serve with Custard Sauce.

Plain Rice Pudding

5 cups milk 1/2 cup rice.

Grated rind of 1/2 lemon.

1/2 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup sugar.

Wash the rice, mix ingredients and pour into a buttered dish. Bake 3 hours in a very slow oven, stirring three times during the first hour to prevent rice from settling. Should not brown the first hour. Stir at the end of the second hour. The milk should be like thin cream. If this pudding is to be served quickly use 4 cups of milk instead of 5, but it is better to use 5, and cook longer.

Cream Of Rice Pudding

1 quart milk Vs cup rice.

1/2 cup sugar 1 egg.

Cook the rice in the milk until it begins to get tender. Beat the eggs slightly, add sugar and turn some of the cooked rice into them, stirring meanwhile. Turn the eggs back into the remainder of the rice and bake until set, taking care not to overcook. It should be creamy when done.

Rice Pudding With Orange Compote

1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup boiling water 2 1/2 cups hot milk Yolks 4 eggs.

1/2 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon orange or vanilla flavoring.

1/2 teaspoon lemon juice.

Pick over and wash the rice until clear. Add it to the boiling water. Let boil five minutes, then add the hot milk. Cook in a double boiler until dry and the rice is soft. Cream the eggs and the sugar together. Add the salt, the lemon juice, and the flavoring, and fold into the rice. Cook eight minutes, stirring occasionally, very carefully. Chill and serve with Orange Compote.

Orange Compote

1/2 dozen oranges.

1/2 tablespoon lemon juice.

1 pound sugar 1/2 cup water.

Put the sugar and water on to boil. Cook ten minutes and add the lemon juice. Peel the oranges deeply so as to remove all the white skin. Cut in halves lengthwise and cut out the core with scissors or a sharp knife. Place a few halves at a time in the hot syrup. Cook two minutes. Lay on a flat dish singly. Pour over the remaining syrup and put the platter on ice. Serve a half orange with each individual serving. If preferred the oranges may be sliced and cooked only a few seconds.