Lawyer's Dressing

half-tablespoonful of English mustard, quarter-teaspoon-ful of salt, one yolk of an egg, one teaspoonful of water, two gills or a quarter of a bottle of oil, quarter of a cruet of vinegar, one dessert-spoonful of cream; sprinkle with red pepper, and stir in. In mixing, always stir in one direction and constantly. Pour the oil in very slowly, and mix in the order given; the first four articles should be thoroughly incorporated before the oil is added.

Chicken Salad

To two chickens, take ten eggs; take the yolks' of four eggs (raw), and beat one tablespoonful of oil in the yolks by degrees; boil hard the remaining six eggs; mix the yolks fine, and add to the raw eggs; add the juice of half a lemon, mustard, cayenne pepper, and salt, to suit the taste. Use about one bunch of celery to the meat of two chickens, cut up, and mix with the dressing. The hard whites of the eggs may be chopped fine and mixed in the salad.

Lobster Salad

Boil in salt and water for half an hour. Let it get cold, and pick off all the meat. Use the same dressing as for chicken salad, with vinegar according- to taste.

Potato Salad

Cut a dozen cold boiled potatoes in thin slices, and mix them thoroughly, with a little onion, chopped fine, a teaspoonful of salad oil, a half-gill of vinegar, and teaspoonful of parsley.

Cole Slaugh

Put into a saucepan one teacupful of vinegar, and let it come to a boil; then add a teacupful of cream, with the yolks of two eggs beaten in; let these boil also, and then pour it immediately over the cut cabbage, which must be seasoned with pepper and salt.