Pineapple Jelly With Soft Custard

Beat yolks of three eggs, three tablespoonfuls sugar, salt. Pour over this one pint hot milk. Cook slowly until it thickens. Soak three-quarters box gelatin in one-half cupful cold water. Dissolve it in one and one-half cupfuls boiling water, add one cupful sugar and one-half cupful lemon juice. When partly hardened stir in one-half can grated pineapple or one small can and whites of three eggs beaten stiff.

Frozen Pineapple Custard

Scald one quart of milk in a double boiler, pour it over the beaten yolks of six eggs, add one cupful of sugar, return to the double boiler and cook until the custard coats the spoon. Chill, add one pint of grated pineapple and the juice of a quarter of a lemon; turn into the freezer; pack in ice and salt and freeze in the usual manner.

Pineapple Tarts

Beat the yolks of two eggs and add one-half cupful of sugar, the juice and grated rind of half a lemon, a dash of salt and one cupful of grated pineapple. Turn into patty pans lined with paste and bake in a moderate oven. Cool, cover with the whites of the eggs, beaten until stiff and sweetened with two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, and brown delicately. Serve cold.

Pineapple Custard

Beat the yolks of five eggs and add to them one-half cupful of sugar and the contents of a can of grated pineapple. Wet small timbale cups with cold water and fill with the pineapple mixture. Set in a pan of hot water, cover, put in the oven and bake steadily, but not too fast, until the custard is set, being careful that it cooks only to firmness and not long enough for the custard to break. Set aside until cold, turn out on a flat dish and surround with whipped cream.

Pineapple Custard Pie

Line a deep pie plate with paste. For filling, mix three eggs, one-half cupful sugar, one-eighth teaspoonful salt, a little nutmeg, four tablespoonfuls of grated pineapple and two cupfuls milk. Bake in slow oven until firm.