Spanish Rice

1/4 cup uncooked rice, 1/2 cup cold water, f cup tomato pulp, 1/4 cup rich cream, 1 tablespoon diced onion, 1 tablespoon diced celery, 1 teaspoon browned flour, 1/4 teaspoon sage, salt to taste.

Brown the rice in a small pan on the stove or in a hot oven until a golden brown, wash and put it into the inner part of a double boiler. Add the water and salt and set on a good fire and let it boil rapidly until the water is almost evaporated and the rice looks dry, then set into the outer part of double boiler and let steam. Put the finely diced onion and celery with the cream into a small sauce pan, and let it reduce down until the fat of the cream nearly separates; then add the tomato pulp, sage, and browned flour, bring to a boil, salt to taste, and pour it over the rice; mix well and let it cook twenty minutes, or until it will just pile nicely when dished up, and not run. Sprinkle with chopped parsley on top, or serve a sprig on the side of each order.

New England Stew

2 cups potato, 1 cup carrots, 1 cup turnips, 1 cup pearl onions, 2 teaspoons oil, salt to taste, 1 tablespoon flour.

Select if possible young and tender vegetables, peel them and cut them into quarters or eights according to their size, so each piece has about the same appearance and size. Put the carrot, turnip, and onion, on to cook in cold water and salt, add the oil and let cook until the vegetables are quite tender, then add the potato and cook until well done, braid the flour smooth in cold water, and stir into one side of the vegetables in such a way as not to break them up. Two cups cabbage may be cooked with the coarse vegetables, if desired. Dish up with chopped parsley on top.

Protose And Rice Timbales

3/4 cup cooked rice, § cup rich milk, 1/2 cup diced protose, 1 tablespoon grated onion, 1 egg, 2 small stalks finely chopped celery, sage and salt to taste.

Beat the egg slightly, add the milk, mix all the ingredients, and fill individual molds, set into baking pan containing a little water and bake in the oven until set, let it stand ten minutes then run the point of the knife around the edge, turn out on a platter, and pour a large spoonful of celery or tomato sauce over the top, and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Baked Macaroni With Olives

1/2 cup uncooked macaroni, 1/3 cup chopped ripe olives, 1 tablespoon chopped onion, 2 tablespoons tomato, 1 cup of the water in which the macaroni was cooked, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 2 1/2 tablespoons flour, salt and celery salt to taste.

Break the macaroni into one-half inch lengths and drop into boiling salted water, cook until it is well done; put the oil in a small pan on the stove, and when hot add the flour and stir until well browned, then add the onion and chopped olives. Let them cook five minutes, then add one cup macaroni water, and two tablespoons tomato; let it boil ten minutes. Have the macaroni well drained, and while hot put it into the gravy, turn into a baking dish, grate a few fresh bread crumbs over the top, and with a spoon press them down onto the gravy so they become moistened through; bake until a nice brown.