This section is from the book "Camp Cookery", by Horace Kephart. Also available from Amazon: Camp Cookery.
Since campers very seldom have any other fresh vegetables than potatoes and onions, I will not take up space with special recipes for others. The following timetable may some time be useful:
Asparagus ..........................20 to 25 minutes.
Cabbage .............................20 " 25
Carrots .............................30 " 40 "
Cauliflower ..........................20 u 25 "
Corn (green) ........................15 " 20 "
Beans (string) ......................25 " 30 "
Beans (Lima) .......................30 " 35 "
Beans (navy, dried) ................2 1/2 " 4 hours.
Beets ...............................30 to 40 minutes.
Onions ..............................30 " 40 "
Parsnips ............................30 " 35
Peas (green) ........................20 "
Potatoes (new) ......................20 "
Potatoes (old) ......................30 " 40 "
Spinach .............................20 « 25 «
Turnips .............................30 " 35 «
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