The columns at the head of the stairway which was the main entrance to the old south wing are crowned with capitals of a unique character. These were designed by Latrobe supposedly from the leaves and flowers of the cotton plant, but are not so natural or happy in effect as his now historic designs from the maize.


The bareness of the rotunda was relieved in 1901 by the transfer from Statuary Hall of the statues of Baker, Jefferson, Lincoln and Hamilton and by the addition of one of General Grant. The last named is the work of Franklin Simmons {Fecit 1899) and was presented by the Grand Army of the Republic. To the collection in Statuary Hall were added about the same time Thomas Benton and F. P. Blair of Missouri and John McKenna of West Virginia, all by Doyle; and O. P. Morton of Indiana, by Niehaus. Maryland has ordered statues of Hanson and of Calvert; and Illinois is unique, in that one of her contributions to the collection will be Mrs. F. P. Willard.