The Turbot (Rhombus Maximus) spends several more weeks of its childhood on edge than do the other flat fish. It is found all round our coasts, being particularly plentiful in the German Ocean, but large ones are almost unknown on the Scotch coasts. Turbot are caught over big sandbanks, and the Dutch are reputed more skilful in their capture than our own fishermen. Fishing is carried on from March till August. They are found both on sand and mud, and, like the sole, migrate into deep water during the cold weather. They feed largely on Crustacea and molluscs, but the baits used by the fishermen with greatest success are live lamperns and sand-eels. In the Moray Firth herring is used as bait, and turbot are occasionally taken on mussels, sea worms, and limpets. Sometimes they appear to feed a little way off the bottom. The name was formerly spelt ' turbolt,' and they are called on the east coast of Scotland king-fleuk, barticock, and roddan or roan fleuk. The Orkney name is rod. Northumbrian fishermen speak of brat, turbrat, and roddams.

The Brill Rhombus

The Brill Rhombus laevis of naturalists, the kite of Devonshire and Cornwall, bastard turbot of Moray Firth, and siller fleuk of Aberdeen�is not often taken by sportsmen. It is a rare fish in the north of Scotland, but fairly abundant round the coast of England, and more so on the South than on the East coast. Sometimes it is found in sandy bays, but in colder weather it seeks deep water ; in fact, in its habits it closely resembles the turbot, and the methods of capture are much the same.