Light Traveling Rations

Many correspondents have asked me to suggest a "grub list" for men traveling light—one that should be complete in itself, without helping out by game or fish or articles purchased on the way. Tastes differ, and "what is one man's meat is another man's poison." Some assimilate their food more completely than others. I know of several experienced campers who seem to get along very well on a food allowance (their own choice) of from 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 pounds a day. They are quite exceptional. An average man, engaged in hearty outdoor exercise, requires, on a trip of more than two or three days, about 2 1/4 pounds a day of carefully selected and varied food that is, as nearly as practicable, water-free. Study the chapter on Provisions in the first volume of this book, paying heed to the table of nutritive values.

As all-around advice, I can do no better than suggest, for a real light but adequate and wholesome ration, what I have given on the list of Summer Equipment for Back-packing in Chapter VII., omitting the cheese. This would make the ration 2 lbs. 3 oz. net. The tea (not tabloids) and salt are purposely in excess of what a man would likely consume. Admiral Peary's ration for arctic sledge journeys (2 lbs. 4 1/4 oz.) given in Vol. I., p. 190, may be regarded as a minimum for hard work in winter. It is a monotonous diet, deficient in sugar and in fruit acid, although his pemmican contained a little of both.