This section is from the book "The Human Body And Health", by Alvin Davison. Also available from Amazon: The Human Body and Health.
Ad'enoids: spongy growths at the back part of the nose.
Albu'min: the largest part of the solid matter in lean meat and white of egg.
Al'cohol: a substance formed by yeast growing in a sweet solution.
Al'coholism: a disease caused by using much strong drink.
Anat'omy: the study treating of the parts of the body.
Antitox'in: a substance which prevents certain poisons given off by bacteria from harming the body.
Aorta: the chief artery in the trunk. It is in front of the backbone.
Ap'oplexy: sudden loss of motion and fainting caused by the clogging or bursting of a blood vessel in the brain.
Asy'lum: a place for the care of the insane.
Au'ricle: either of the upper cavities of the heart.
Bacillus: a rodlike bacterium such as the germ of consumption.
Bacte'ria: tiny one-celled plants often called germs.
Bron'chi (Bron'ki): the two branches of the windpipe entering the lung.
Bron'chial: a name given to the small tubes in the lungs.
Cap'illary: the smallest blood tube.
Cat'aract: a growth in the lens of the eye.
Catarrh': a common name for a cold in the head.
Cerebellum: the little brain.
Cer'ebrum: the large part of the brain.
Chol'erainfan'tum: a dangerous disease causing the deaths of about 100,000 children yearly in the United States. It is usually caused by impure milk or dirty milk vessels.
Chyle (Kile): the digested food in the intestine.
Chyme (Kime): the partly digested food leaving the stomach.
Cil'ia: tiny hairlike parts of cells lining the nose and air tubes. They catch dust and mucus and move them outward by constantly waving.
Circula'tion: the flow of the blood through the vessels in the body.
Clav'icle(Klav'ik'l): the collar bone.
Co'caine: a narcotic made from coca leaves.
Coc'cyx (Kok'siks): the small bone at the end of the spinal column.
Constipa'tion: a condition in which the refuse part of the food becomes hard and dry in the lower part of the intestine.
Conta'gious (Conta'jus): catching.
Convolu'tions (Convolu'shuns): folds on the surface of the brain.
Cor'nea: the clear front portion of the outer coat of the eyeball.
Cor'puscle (Cor'puss'l): a blood cell.
Cra'nium: the bones surrounding the brain.
Di'aphragm (Di'afram): the breathing muscle separating the cavity of the chest from that of the abdomen.
Disinfectant: a substance which kills germs.
Dys'entery: inflammation of the large intestine with the discharge of some blood.
Dyspep'sia: failure to digest food properly.
Epiglot'tis: the piece of gristle standing in front of the opening to the larynx.
Esoph'agus (Esofagus): the tube known as the gullet taking the food from the throat to the stomach.
Excre'ta: the natural discharges from the body.
Excre'tions: any waste matters cast out of the body.
Fermenta'tion: the changing of any substance by the growth in it of bacteria, yeasts or molds.
Fissure (Fishur): a natural cleft in any organ such as the liver or brain.
Formal'dehyde: a germ-killing gas which is dissolved in water; the solution is then called formalin.
Formalin: a good germ killer. A teacupful added to a gallon of water makes a fluid in which any plant or animal may be preserved for years.
Ganglion: a bunch of nerve cells.
Garbage: Waste matter from the kitchen and furnace.
Hy'giene:the study of the care of the body.
Immune': safe from disease.
Incis'ors: the front teeth.
Invol'untary: unable to control.
Lach'rymal (Lak'rimal): the name of the tear gland and its duct into the nose.
Lac'teals: that part of the lymph system leading from the intestines to the thoracic duct.
Larynx (Lar'inks): the voice box at the top of the trachea.
Lymphat'ics: small tubes known as lymph vessels which return the escaped blood from all parts of the body to the veins in the neck.
Massag'ing (Massazh'ing): a kneading and pinching of any part of the body to make the cells work better.
Mi'crobes: bacteria or any other tiny form of life.
Morphine: a strong sleep-producing powder derived from opium.
Mu'cous Mem'brane: the skinlike lining of all tubes of the body exposed to the air.
Mu'cus: the slippery secretion from the mucous membrane.
Narcot'ic: a substance which tends to make the organs of the body act more slowly.
Nic'otine: the chief poison in tobacco.
Oxida'tion:the union of oxygen with any substance.
Pan'creas: an organ in the abdomen which makes an important digestive juice.
Paral'ysis: loss of power to feel or move in any part.
Par'asite: any plant or animal which eats the living substance of any other plant or animal.
Pari'etal: a bone on the side of the head.
Pas'teurizing: heating a substance to about 150 degrees for a half hour or less, sufficient to kill most of the bacteria.
Perios'teum: the membrane around the bone.
Phalan'ges (Falan'jees): the bones of the toes and fingers.
Phar'ynx (Far'inks): the cavity of the throat.
Pro'teid: a substance forming nearly all of muscle after the water is dried out.
Res'piration: the exchanging of carbon dioxide for oxygen.
Ret'ina: the inner coat of the eye.
Sa'crum: the bone which forms that part of the spinal column between the hips.
Sali'va: the slippery fluid used in moistening the food in the mouth.
Sew'age: all household waste except the garbage.
Stim'ulant: that which hastens the action of an organ without later slowing it.
Thorac'ic: belonging to the thorax or chest.
Tib'ia: the larger bone in the lower part of the leg.
Tra'chea (Tra'kea): the wind pipe.
Tuberculo'sis: a disease caused by the tubercular germs.
Tym'panum: the middle ear.
Vac'cine (Vak'siri): a collection of weak germs or a solution containing a weak poisonous product of germs, put into the body beneath the skin to prevent disease. Smallpox vaccine consists of smallpox germs weakened by growing them in the skin of calves.
Ve'naca'va: the chief vein in the trunk.
Ven'tricle: either of the two large lower cavities of the heart.
Ver'tebra: one of the bones of the spinal column.
Vil'li: the tiny fingerlike growths lining the small intestine.
Vit'reous: the jelly like humor in the back part of the eye.
Vol'untary: able to be controlled by the will.
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