In concluding this brief review of psychical erotism, and with it the whole intricate network of sexual normality and perversity, through which 1 have found it sometimes a pain, and sometimes a pleasure, to wander, I would make a parting plea for those twin passions, Love and Religion, which lie at the very bottom of the great life-struggle of humanity.

Intellectual culture would extinguish both. Sexuality, it has been found, can exist without love. The social machinery moves fairly well without religion. But be not deceived; the history of the past—Egypt, Greece, Rome, even later and more polished civilizations—shows the fallacy of attempting to divorce either, or both, from the great plan and principle of human progress.

So long as the stars appear in the firmament, or golden clouds gather around the departing footsteps of the sun; so long as earth is visited by dreams of happiness or visions of glory; so long as the tender eye of woman melts with pity or softens with maternal feeling, just so long shall Love and Religion, the transcendental and the mystic, continue to guide our progress and control our destiny.

Cervantes laughed chivalry out of Europe. Society is modified. The empire of utility has apparently replaced that of poetry and passion; but these two great principles, love and religion, so essential to the happiness and progress of humanity, though they slumber, or gather about them the dross and barnacles of vice with which we have lately been concerned, can never pass away from earth until they merge at last into the sublime and eternal Source op both.