One can appreciate that broadly speaking these are not exactly devoid of homeostatic disturbances But primarily causative factors have been considered to be those other than the insignificant homeostatic dysfunction.

NIJA diseases are considered tobe those where homeostatic machinery is conspicuously or perceptibly involved. Homeostatic disturbances are significant in this case. The SANKRIT terminology for or corresponding to homeostatic regulatory processes is DOS HAS However one can see that factors such as infection, seasonal changes, genetic defects etc are not absent in this case.

Adhyaatmika, Aadhibhautika And Aadhidaivika

Another way of looking at causative factors of the diseases is to consider whether the cause is related to 1 AATMA or soul ie mind, morality etc. (ADHYAATMIKA), 2. Interaction of body with inner and outer physicochemical and Biological environment (AADHtBHAUTTKAl and 3 Interaction with the higher planes ofexistence termed .DEVAS.YAXAS.GANDHARV AS, ASUFAS etc. In SANSKRIT these existences are categorized as TtRYAKYONIS (AADHIDAIVLKA). AADH1DA1VIKA diseases are a very interesting, curious and perplexing category It is not possible to demonstrate the exact nature of these factors / forces or influences of entities responsible for AADHtDATVIKA diseases In the authors vie wa subtler and sub tier perception may resolve this question, rather than cheaply and simplistic ally condemning this kind of category as non-scientific and / or hoax / fraud However one must also keep in mind that effects such as those of radiations (when radiation was not known at all), could well have been categorized as AADHIDAIVLKA.


Since individual hum an life hasbeen vie wd as descent or 'extension'like Sun ray' of the PURUSHA or cosmic consciousness, it was natural for the TRIDOSHA theoryof life and disease processes to emerge TRLDOSHAS are three entities governing life VAATA is one which leads to every kind of mechanical, chemo-mechanical or chemo-electrical activity PITTA is one, which leads to production of heat in the body through metabolic processes involving tissue respiration, ATPbreakdown etc. KAPHA is the one, which lends to stability to the substrate of life i e. body constituents When these are in harmony they lead to health and when in disharmony they lead to disease One can appreciate that this is a broad generalization full of wisdom This is a different perspective of homeostasis Excessive neural and endocrine activity resulting m tremors etc is a hallmark of VAAT VRUDDHI Excessive activity of catabolic neuroendocrine activities associated with excessive increase in metabolic rate fcaloSrigeriesis] is equivalent to PITTA VRUDDHI. Excessive anabolic neurohumoral activities leading to reduction m catabobsm is the feature of KAPHA VRUDDHI One can appreciate that if neural activity is reduced or overall metabolism is reduced or if specifically catabolism or overall processes of normal destruction are reduced then they are called as VAATAKSHAYA, PITTAKSHAYA and KAPHAKSHYA respectively because KSHAYA means decrease or reduction.

One should appreciate die continuity between die DOS HAS and hence never consider them as water tight compartments Moreover it should be recognized that increase or decrease in one or more of these can be in different permutations and combinations Having clearly understood the regulatory nature of DOSHAS, I should be able to see ho wDOSHAVAISHAAYA should be appreciated as a disturbance of homeostatic neural, neurocrine, endocrine, paracrine, autocrine regulatory mechanisms.

The effects of disturbances, DOS HA VAIS HAM YA, m case of DOSHAVRUDDHI can be accumulation (SANCHAYA) and spread (PRAKOPAj For example VAATASANCHAYA and VAAT APR AKOPA maybe manifested as generalized seizures or generalized tremors respectively. Other phenomena or consequences such as spread and covert effect is called PRASARA and localization in a region or organ of the DOSHA as called STHAANA SANSHRAYA Overt manifestation of disease pathology is called VYAKTI This is because the word VYAKTI comes from the word VYAKTA meaning manifest Lastly the distinct sequalae characteristics of diseases which follow are called BHEDA These are obviously penetratingly ingenious conceptions or methodological approaches to understand etiology, pathophysiology, pathology arid consequent clinical syndromes. This is a brilliant insight into clinico-pathological correlation.

What the DOSHA - theory needs to be supplemented with is the detailed observations with respect to DOSHA, DHATU and MALA VtKRUTI or disturbances This can make the understanding of disease processes more complete. This is a holistic approach which unravels the common reality from which AYURVEDIC and ALLOPATHIC understanding of disease processes springs and thrives.

It is really interesting to appreciate that excess VAATA, excess PITTA and excess KAPHA is called SANNIPATTA Thus it should be clear that contrary to commonplace presumption, DOSHAS are not opposed to one another but serve apparently opposite but essentially complementary functions, so as to enrich health This is why excess of all these do not lead to mutual cancellation but disease called as SANNIPAATtKA meaning resulting from SANNtPATA.


One must also appreciate in this context the complimentary action of YIN and YANG, IDA and PINGALAA NADIS, sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, anabolic and catabolic hormones, sensory and motor neurons, excitatory and inhibitory neurons etc. This will make it amply clear how excitation or inhibition of both members of above pairs beyond limit does not cancel out their effects but on the contrary and in fact is incomplete with, life. This unravels the wisdom underlying TRIDOSHA theory of diseases.

Some examples of disease processes will make TRIDOSHA theory even more clear. Thus VAATASANCHAYA is characterized by constipation.

Obviously this corresponds to local sympathetic over activity VAATAKSHAYA causes inertia, lassitude, lack of interest in the surroundings etc PITTA-S ANCHAYA is associated with increased basal metabolic rate, yellowish discoloration, low grade fever etc. PITT AKSHAYA is characterized by reduced digestive capacity, feeling of coldness, loss of luster of skin etc. One can see that these are typical features of myxedema KAPHAS ANC HAYA is associated with increase in weight, dryness, loss of natural lubrication, weakness and lack of stability in general Response to starvation, aging, stress maybe equivalent to KAPHAKSHAYA. In this discussion I have not included the subtypes of VAATA, PITTA and KAPAA. This is because |1) space is limited (2) The discerning readers can easily explore correlation between such different subtypes and various pathological and pathophysiological details which they are already familiar with Thus they can find the unity / continuity / harmony underlying ayurvedic and allopathic concepts of disease processes.