One of the most crucial question is that of die process of death. Contrary to the view that death is the end of pathological process the authors think that the concepts of STHOOLA SHARJRA, LINGA SHARIRA, SUKSHMA SHARIRA and KARANA SHARIRA should be provisionally accepted These are of very great importance for several reasons Even though it is true that one cannot actually see' UNGA. SUKSHMA and KARANA SHARLRA their existence certainly fits in abroad er and logical hypothetical framework. Moreover this helps us to visualize the genotype as the contingent of the behavior of the LTNGA SHARIRA which UVES' after the demise of body and UNGA SHARIRA which as the contingent SUKSHMA and SUKSHMA SHARIRA which is contingent of KARANA SHARIRA which remains un- perturbed in any situation irrespective of any event KARANA SHARIRA may be "brans-temporal" consciousness same as PURUSHA Thus genetic diseases do not remain a matter of coincidences or secondary to heredity alone only but possibly are the function of LING AS HARIRA Are the UNGA SHARIRA. SUKSHMA SHARIRA and KARANA SHARIRA time space-consciousness phenomenon? What is their exact nature? Answers to these remain enigma at the moment But that the life and therefore disease processes are only part of the iceberg appears to be certain In this light the AADHIDAIvTK concept of diseases do not remain mere flights of imagination but areas open for intense research with open mind Moreover the relationship between DOS HAS, LING A S HARIRA and time-space-consciousness continuum has to be explored The procedures described m AYURVEDA in PUNASAVANA VIDHI which is meant for getting a male Child must be scrutinized in this light In addition, the behavioral counseling for a pregnant mother must be studied in light of this so that one can get insight into how influence of time (KAALA-VIPARYAYA), influence of thinking (AATMA, "ANA . influence of behavior (KARMA VIPARYAYA) and whether or not these can really govern the health of the fetus Through this one can get insight into how exactly DOSHA such as VAATA (and UNGA. SHARIRA) possibly could influence characteristic organizations of genotype during meiobc and mitotic, divisions and zygote formation.

The concept of diseases in terms of event complexes lends specimens to die concepts of SHUBHA and ASHUBHA MUHURTA which are generally ridiculed as hoax. SHUBHA or auspicious time and ASHUBHA or inauspicious time is to be looked at as certain of characteristic situations Because, time-space-consciousness are continuum and can influence the energy and matter that our bodies and minds are Moreover die idea that SHUBHA and ASHUBHA can be overcome by the processes of BHAKTI, KARMA, RAAJA, DNYAANA, MANTRA, LAYA YOGAS and other forms of worship can be explained on the basis of the transcendental individual consciousness merging or uniting with the universal consciousness and thus becoming immune to aforesaid influences I.

To summarize then, the individual life and therefore die diseases are event complexes. Time-space-consciousness continuum, KAARANA, SUKSHMA, LINGA SHARIRA, DOS HAS, AADHI DAIVDC, ADHYAATMIK causes, TIRYAKYONI, PURUSHA, KAALA and KARMA VIPARYAYA, AAMA, N1JA and AGANTUKA rebirth and KARMAPHALA etc. all are possibly involved in disease processes and hence have to be looked into with more open attitude so as to get a more complete ie. holistic picture of disease.

The visible disease processes, pathology and pathophysiology clinical features are those of STHOOLASHARIRA. These relate to the interaction or influence of DOS HAS with DHAATUS after KSHA YA or VRUDDHI, SANCHAYA, PRAKOPA, PRASARA, S THANAS ANS HRAYA leading to manifestations of characteristic nature viz. VYAKTT and BHEDA.

As mentioned earlier it seems that DOSHA concept should not be taken as restricted to STHOOLA SHARIRA alone but extending into and being continuous with rest of die universe, directly. DHATU and MALA concepts are almost entirely pertaining to STHOOLA SHARIRA and hence are sub servient to DOSHA influences In this respect DOSHAS are not merely neuroendocrine metabolic influences The "neuroendocrine metabolic homeostabc regulatory mechanisms" are an extension or part of the DOS HAS These parts are in association with the STHOOLA SHARIRA.

Thus, pathophysiology and pathology as is studied in allopathy is actually nothing else but modem and more technical extension of DOSHA DHATU and MALA VIKRUTI VTDNYANA! Only thing is DOSHAS, are not taken into account entirely and DOSHAS, DHATUS and MALAS arc not Seen as descent or extension of the universal consciousness Realizing this fact I should appreciate which one is causative or governing aspect of a disease process and which one is subservient, subsequent or effect' aspect of a disease process. This is important to develop insight into biological properties of AYURVEDIC and homeopathic drugs and other modes of treatment This is also important to shift the emphasis of research from micro molecular reductionist approach (though of course not condemning or rejecting it) to more holistic or realistic one, thus concentrating on treatment modalities without excessive hassle with respect to chemical structure'

HOLISTIC approach does not point to subtler aspects of disease process alone, it also points to the importance of DHATUS and especially MALA. Actually the role of catabolic, degenerative, excretory, destructive processes which can be called MALAPRAKRIYA has not been given due importance by many authorities Diseases which lead to accum ulabo n - e.g. hyperlipemia, high triglycerides, high VLDL, high cholesterol, high lrpofuschin and hypertrophy of prostate or obesity, must be considered as failure of MALAPRAKRIYA, in addition to DOSHA VA1SHANYA and DHAATUV AISHAMYA. If one understands this mechanical attitude or approach of substitution therapy or deprivation therapy would not get undue importance or would be used only judiciously. To give an example, patients with high cholesterol and / or high VLDL would notbe deprived of fats indiscriminately but the processing of fats in their body would be targeted for improvement.

Thus holistic approach to disease processes high-lights subtler, cruder, causative, consequential and all such aspects of disease processes more completely thereby revealing; intrinsic unity / continuity amongst different approaches and opens new possibilities of more effective prevention and cure.