This section is from the book "The Control Of Hunger In Health And Disease", by Anton Julius Carlson. Also available from Amazon: The Control of Hunger in Health and Disease.
It has been shown by Cannon and Lieb for the dog that the movements of swallowing lead to a temporary inhibition of the tonus of the stomach. This inhibition is designated the "receptive relaxation" of the stomach. This inhibition is readily demonstrated in man. When Mr. V. makes repeated swallowing movements with only enough saliva in the mouth to initiate the swallowing reflex, a prompt but transitory inhibition of gastric tonus and contractions is produced. The reader will recall that the swallowed saliva does not reach the stomach, but collects in the esophagus pouch. Complete inhibition of the stomach contractions was never secured through the swallowing act, and when the stomach is in the condition of hunger tetanus, or in very strong and rapid contractions bordering on tetanus, the mere swallowing movements seem to have no effect on the stomach. The inhibition of the stomach tonus due to the act Of swallowing is most readily demonstrated at the beginning of a period of hunger contractions.
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