T 4" T T T ................... Peas....................


................... Peas ..............,......

Peas are planted early. Tomato plants are set after danger of frost. Peas are followed by an early variety of sweet corn.

24. Sweet Corn And Beans

16"......... Early sweet corn .........

............ Late beans.............

......... Early sweet corn.........

Sweet corn is planted as soon as the weather will permit. Late bush beans are planted after the last cultivation of sweet corn. Fodder is cut and removed after the corn is sold.

25. Sweet Corn And Celery

............Sweet corn ............

2 1/2' .............. Celery ..............

............Sweet corn............

An early variety of sweet corn and late celery. Fodder is removed after the corn has been sold.

26. Raspberries (R), Peas And Beans

R 3' R , R R


.......... Peas and beans..........

3' R R R R

Plant early dwarf peas in new raspberry plantations and follow with late beans.

27. Asparagus And Sweet Corn

When an asparagus plantation is to be abandoned, a row of sweet corn may be planted July 1 between the rows of asparagus, and the asparagus destroyed by deep, frequent and thorough tillage.

28. Muskmelons (M), Potatoes (P), And Beans (B)



2 1/2' ................. Potatoes .................

................. Potatoes .................


M.....Beans.....M .....Beans .. .. M

Do not plant bush beans closer than I foot from the muskmelons. Two hills of pole beans may be substituted for the muskmelons. Bush beans may be planted two weeks earlier than melons.

29. Corn And Beans

A New Jersey grower plants two or three beans with each grain of corn. The beans are marketed first and the yield of corn is apparently not affected.

30. Peaches And Tomatoes

Tomatoes are grown extensively in the young peach orchards on the eastern shore of Maryland.

31. Apples, Peas And Tomatoes

A New Jersey grower plants early peas in his young apple orchards. The peas are followed by tomatoes, and crimson clover is sown at the last cultivation of the tomatoes.

32. Cabbage And Tomatoes

2 1/2' ............. Cabbage .............

............ Tomatoes ............

............. Cabbage .............

Midsummer varieties of cabbage, planted early; late tomatoes, planted in June or earlier if climate requires earlier planting.

33. Fruit Trees And Peas And Beans

An excellent combination for young orchards is to plant peas early in the spring and follow with bush beans. The beans should be sold in the pod or allowed to ripen for dry shell beans.

34. Pole Beans (B), And Radish

1' 1' 1'


B .... radish .... B .... radish .... B

.............. Radish ..............

.............. Radish ..............

.............. Radish .............

B .... radish .... B .... radish .... B

This is a successful plan of cropping in Philadelphia County, Pa. Both crops are started at the same time.

35. Sweet Corn And Radish

1' 1'

............Sweet corn ............

.............. Radish ..............

.............. Radish...............

.............. Radish...............

............Sweet corn ............

Radish may be planted first or both started together.

36. Parsnip And Spinach

7" 7"

............. Spinach .............

............. Parsnip .............

............. Spinach.............

Both crops planted early.

37. Beans And Lettuce

10" 10"

......... Early bush beans.........

............. Lettuce .............

............. Lettuce .............

......... Early bush beans.........

Lettuce started under glass.

38. Cabbage (C), And Strawberries (S)

2 1/2'


S 9"




















This is a popular system at Norfolk, Va.: Early cabbage, planted very early in the spring or on the side of a ridge in the fall; strawberries, planted as soon as possible in the spring. Planting distances vary.

39. Beans And Cucumbers

26" 26"

.............. Beans ..............

.............. Beans ..............

............ Cucumbers ............

.............. Beans ..............

.............. Beans ..............

Planting distances are variable. Early bush beans are preferred.

Many other combinations of succession and companion cropping might be described, but it is hoped that the foregoing will be at least suggestive to those whose conditions are favorable for intensive types of gardening. This type of gardening appeals to owners of town and city lots and to commercial growers whose areas are limited. It necessarily involves a larger amount of hand work, and for this reason companion cropping is seldom practical where there is difficulty in securing laborers.