591. Culture

It is also known as "Swedish Turnip" and in England as "Turnip-Rooted Cabbage." In composition and character of growth it is very similar to kohlrabi (page 349), and requires practically the same cultural conditions. The flesh is considered richer than that of the turnip. Rutabaga requires a deep, moist, fertile soil. For the early crop, the plants may be started under glass, as recommended for kohl-rabi. The usual method, though, is to sow as soon as the open ground can be prepared, to produce the early crop. This vegetable is most largely consumed in the fall. It is also stored for winter use, being preserved in the same way as other root crops. For the late crop the sowings should be made in most sections from the middle of June until July 6. The plants should be thinned to about 8 inches apart. The spacing between rows may vary from 15 to 30 inches, depending upon whether hand wheel hoes or horse implements are to be used in cultivating. The roots will stand some freezing, so they need not be harvested until late fall. They are valued for stock feeding.