Chapter XXI gives information on the proper dates for sowing.

When flats are used in sowing cabbage, lettuce, tomato, pepper, parsley and other seeds, the operation should be carried out in the following manner: Fill the flat with soil moist enough to work well. Sprinkling while the soil is being turned may be necessary to secure the proper amount of moisture. See that the soil is pressed firmly in the corners and along the sides. With a straight-edge, make furrows 1 1/2 to 2 inches apart and 1/4 -inch deep, the first row being about 1/2 inch from the end of the flat. The rows should be parallel and neatly made. With an envelope, distribute seed at the rate of about 12 to the inch. Close furrows in the most convenient way; firm the soil with a block; water and place in the proper temperature. Fifty to 60 degrees Fahrenheit provides the best conditions for lettuce, cabbage and cauliflower, while 70 to 80 degrees is better for tomato and other tender vegetables. Figure 41 shows a flat of cabbage seedlings. A flat of this size should produce about 1,000 plants.

flat of cabbage seedlings.

Fig. 41. flat of cabbage seedlings.