All classes of producers find that it pays to advertise. If you have something to sell that is really good, let people know about it. If you are selling vegetables that you know will please dealer or consumer, the package should contain information telling where more vegetables of the same kind can be procured.

There are many different methods of advertising. Branding the product or the package is effective. The brand may consist of a small round or rectangular label pasted on each specimen. A New Jersey melon grower uses the following legends, printed with red ink on white paper: "Guaranteed, grown by-, Moorestown, N. J.," and "Jenny Lind cantaloupes, grown by-, Moorestown, N. J." The paper, which is about 2 inches wide and 3 inches long, requires only a moment to paste. Printed paper wrappers of various sizes and colors may be bought of special dealers. They are particularly desirable for tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and cauliflower. A common practice is to place rather large and substantial labels on the packages. Printed cards are sometimes placed immediately under the cover and occasionally in the interior of the pack. A tomato grower claims that the following statement, placed about in the middle of each half-bushel basket enables him to average 10 cents more a basket a season : "Grown by___________, Hammonton, N. J." The crop is sold on commission in Philadelphia. If the consumer asks his grocer for another basket of Mr._________'s tomatoes, the grocer is, of course, practically compelled to buy the same kind from the wholesale dealer. Advertising of this character is always effective.

Circulars and postal cards tastefully worded and illustrated can sometimes be used to advantage. Newspaper advertisements are valued by some gardeners who sell at retail. A Minnesota grower who supplies consumers carries a newspaper advertisement for six months of the year, changing it in every issue. The market wagon should be neatly lettered. Gate bulletins are useful when vegetables are for sale at the farm.