This section is from the book "Indoor Gardening", by Eben E. Rexford. Also available from Amazon: Indoor Gardening.
An annual highly prized in the summer-garden, but equally as desirable for winter-flowering. Its flowers are of a dainty shade of lavender-blue. Young plants can be obtained by breaking old ones apart. This should be done in August, in order to give them ample time to become established in pots before it comes time to take them indoors.
Give the same soil in which they grew in the garden. Six-inch pots will be large enough for plants of ordinary size. Shower well to prevent ravages of the red spider.
A very pretty plant for decorative purposes. Its foliage, of which there is a great profusion, is long and narrow-green, edged with white, after the fashion of "Ribbon Grass." This is an excellent plant for shady locations. It has very pretty but not showy flowers, borne in long spikes, well above the foliage. Flowers are not necessary, however, to make it a most attractive plant.
Give it a soil of loam and turfy matter, half and half. Water liberally. Have never known it to be attacked by any insect.
Ardisia crenulata is a very ornamental plant. Thousands are grown for sale at holiday-time. It is trained as a small tree. Its foliage is a very dark, rich green, thick in texture, with a glossy surface. It bears a profusion of brilliant red berries.
Fine for table use.
Give it a soil of rather heavy loam. Water well, and shower frequently. Be on the lookout for scale.
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