This section is from the book "Progressive Cookery", by E. M. Hinckley. Also available from Amazon: Progressive Cookery.
Two tablespoons of uncooked hominy, one-half teaspoon of salt, one tablespoon of butter, one cup of boiling water, one scant cup of cornmeal, two tablespoons of sugar, one cup of boiling milk, two eggs, one heaping teaspoon of baking powder. Pour boiling water over hominy, add salt and butter. Add boiling milk and sugar to cornmeal. When cold add eggs beaten separately, then the baking powder. Bake in gem pans twenty minutes.
One pint of boiling milk to one cup of Indian meal, a little salt and one egg. Bake quickly in gem pans.
One cup of Indian meal, one cup of rye meal, one tablespoon of molasses, a little salt, one-quarter spoonful of soda. Mix with cold water as thin as you can drop from a wet spoon into boiling lard.
One cup of meal, one-half cup of flour, one-half teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons of baking powder, one teaspoon of melted butter, one tablespoon of sugar or molasses. Mix in order given ; two eggs, one and one-fourth cups of milk. Beat ; add eggs to the milk. Bake in sheets about half an hour and cut in squares.
One cup of white cornmeal, two cups of cooked rice or hominy, three eggs, half a teaspoon of salt, and lump of butter the size of an egg. Pour enough hot milk over the rice or hominy to soften it, and stir until smooth. Pour boiling water over the meal and stir until the meal is swelled but not watery. Add butter and eggs. Beat eggs until light. Add to this the cooked rice or hominy. Beat the ingredients well with a wooden spoon. Add milk enough to make a stiff batter. Bake thirty-five minutes in a round pudding dish. Send to the table in the dish in which it is baked. If preferred add a tablespoon of sugar.
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