This section is from the book "The New Cookery", by Lenna Frances Cooper. Also available from Amazon: The New Cookery.
3 egg whites.
3/8 cup pulverized sugar 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar.
Yolks of 2 eggs 1/2 cup flour.
1/3 teaspoon lemon extract 1/8 teaspoon salt.
Beat the egg white slightly, add the salt, and continue beating until rather stiff. Then add cream of tartar, and continue until quite stiff, and fold in the pulverized sugar. Beat the egg yolks until lemon-colored, add the flavoring and fold into the stiffly beaten whites. Fold in the flour and put through a pastry tube. Bake on unbuttered papers, scored in oblong sections 1 1/2 inches by 4 inches. Put together with Orange Filling.
1/4 cup butter.
1 cup sugar.
2 eggs.
1 1/2 cups flour.
1/2 cup milk 1/2 teaspoon flavoring 40 minims hydrochloric acid (CP).
1/2 teaspoon soda.
(This amount of soda and hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 2 teaspoons baking powder).
Cream the butter and add the sugar gradually; beat the yolks until light and lemon colored and add to the butter and sugar; add the hydrochloric acid, rinse the bowl, in which the eggs were beaten, with the milk. Sift the flour and soda together. Add the milk and flour alternately, then the flavoring and stiffly beaten whites. Bake in layers in a quick oven 12 to 15 minutes.
Make Plain Cake and bake in shallow tins. Put Orange Filling between the layers, cover with Water Frosting and decorate with sections of oranges.
Bake the plain cake in flat tins. Cut cake into tiny oblong squares, triangles, and half moons (using biscuit cutter for this), or any other desired shape. The cakes should be small to be dainty. After they are cut, they should be glazed and allowed to stand 24 hours before frosting. They are glazed to keep from crumbling. For the glazing, use one white of egg and one tablespoon powdered sugar. Beat the egg very slightly with a silver fork, then add sugar. Use a small brush for glazing. Be careful not to get crumbs in the egg. Glaze on all but one side, the side which has been the top of the cake, which has a good crust on it and will not crumble. This will be the bottom of the cake. Use a sharp knife for cutting cakes. Cut off crust from the side of each cake before cutting in pieces. Cut all of one shape at one time, as the cake cuts to better advantage.
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, then the beaten yolks, hydrochloric acid, molasses and milk. Mix and sift the dry ingredients and add to the first mixture. Add beaten whites and lastly the raisins chopped fine and bake in gem pans. This should make from 19 to 20 small cakes. Ice with boiled frosting, putting just a little of the frosting.
3 1/2 cups pastry flour 2 eggs.
1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup butter 1/2 cup molasses Nutmeg.
1/2 cup English walnut meats.
3/4 cup raisins.
1/2 cup milk.
1 3/4 cups flour.
1 teaspoon cinnamon.
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves.
40 minims hydrochloric acid (C. P.) 1 teaspoon soda in the center of each cake and an English walnut meat pressed down upon that.
If baking powder is used, omit the acid and one-half of the soda and use 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder.
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