Too much cannot be said in favor of the use of fruits. They should form a part of every day's dietary and if possible a part of every meal.

Their nutriment consists chiefly of the natural fruit sugars which are ready for absorption, hence are at once refreshing and cooling.

Their acids are cleansing. Their mineral salts are alkaline and are valuable for improving the condition of the blood.

They are especially valuable as an appetizer, as they appeal through the three senses—sight, smell and taste.

They appeal through the sense of sight because of their charm of color and beauty of contour; they appeal to the sense of smell because of the pleasant aroma; they appeal to the sense of taste through the ethereal substance producing the flavors.

When fresh fruit is not obtainable, dried fruit may be used advantageously.

Having been deprived of their moisture, the method of preparation should be such as to gain it back, hence they should be soaked in cold water for several hours, or if possible, over night.

The time of soaking may be shortened somewhat by pouring boiling water over the washed fruit and letting it stand for a few hours. The cooking should be slow and gentle.


The dessert seems to satisfy a natural craving for something dainty and tasty with which to finish the meal.

Fruits lend themselves particularly well to the making of desserts, as they are light and easily digested and appeal to the appetite through the senses of sight, smell and taste.

Heavy desserts rich in sweets and fats should never accompany an otherwise hearty meal. "When such a dessert is served, a place should be reserved for it by making the rest of the meal correspondingly light.

Fats inhibit the secretion of the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice, hence when taken at the end of a heavy meal, have a tendency to retard digestion.

Sweets stimulate the secretion of the hydrochloric acid, hence should be avoided by persons having a tendency toward hyperacidity.

Cane sugar, including also beet sugar and maple sugar, should be used in moderation, as strong solutions of it have an irritating effect upon the alimentary tract. Many persons find it necessary to eliminate it entirely from the dietary.

Fruit Macedoine

3 oranges 3 bananas.

1 can sliced pineapple Powdered sugar.

Lemon juice.

Peel the oranges deep enough into the flesh to remove all the white skin. Slice into half-inch slices, then cut into small cubes. Drain the juice from a pint can of pineapple and cut the slices into small triangular shaped pieces.

Peel the banana and cut into half-inch cubes. Mix the fruits and put into stemmed sherbet glasses. Pour over each serving about a teaspoon of lemon juice, also a teaspoon or more of powdered sugar. This makes a delightful "first course" for dinner or luncheon.

Grape Fruit Cocktail

Peel a grape-fruit as you would an apple, taking off all the white skin. Remove the meat from each section and cut into small pieces. Keep on ice until thoroughly chilled. Place a large spoonful into a cocktail glass and pour over it a spoonful of chilled orange juice. Just before serving sprinkle over all a heaping teaspoon of powdered sugar.