This section is from the book "Indian Cookery And Confectionery", by I. R. Dey. Also available from Amazon: Indian Cookery And Confectionery.
Burn or boil 4 or 5 big green mangoes till they are soft. Then peel them and strain the pulp through a clean piece of linen. Mix it with 1 seer of water, 1 powa of sugar, a pinch of salt, a table-spoonful of rose water and fragments of ice as required.
Place a big very ripe water-melon on an enamelled pot and cut it in two with a knife. Then bring out the red pulp of the fruit with its juice and squeeze the pulp-with the hands. Remove all the seeds and then mix it with 1 or 1 1/2 powa of sugar, two table-spoonfuls of rose water, half a table-spoonful of lemon-juice and. fragments of ice as required.
Break a big very ripe bel fruit and bring out the whole of the pulp. Squeeze it with a little water, strain out the pulp with a clean piece of linen and throw away the seeds and other refuses. Mix the pulp with curd and sugar 1/2 powa each, a pinch of salt, half a table-spoonful of rose water, a little lemon juice or tamarind pulp, fragments of ice and water as required.
Make a very fine paste of 1 1/2 powa of fresh chhana. Dissolve 1/2 seer of sugar in 1 seer of water and strain it through a clean piece of linen. Now mix the pasted chhana thoroughly with the sugar solution and churn with the hands till nearly all the particles of chhana float. Then mix with a little lemon-juice, 1 or 2 table-spoonfuls of rose water and fragments of ice as required.
Thoroughly mix together 1/2 powa of lemon-juice, 1/2 seer of sugar, 1 seer of water, a generous pinch of salt and fragments of ice as required. Use pots and glasses of porcelain, glass or enamel.
Peel pistachios and almonds 1/2 powa each after keeping them moistened in water for a few hours, cut them is pieces and make a paste of them. Then mix the paste with fresh unboiled milk 1 seer, water 1 powa, 1 or 2 table-spoonfuls of rose water, sugar 1/2 seer and fragments of ice as required.
Make a paste of the soft pulp of 1 seer of very ripe hlackberries and strain it through a clean piece of linen throwing away the seeds. Then mix it with 1 seer of water, a little salt, 1 or 1 1/2 powa of sugar and fragments of ice as required.
Falsa is a very small fruit and is black when ripe. Squeeze 1/2 seer of these very ripe fruits with the hands, mix with 1 powa of water and strain through a clean piece of linen. Then boil fully 3 or 4 green legumes of tamarind and as before squeeze with the hands, mix with 1 powa of water and strain out the juice. Now mix the two together with 1/2 seer of water, 1 1/2 powa of sugar, a pinch of salt, 3 or 4 tea-spoonfuls of rose water and fragments of ice as required.
Beat 1/2 seer of curd thoroughly with the hands or churn with a churn-staff, and strain through a clean piece of linen. Then mix it with 1 seer of water, 1 1/2 powa of orange-juice, 1/2 seer of sugar, 4 table-spoonfuls of rose water -and fragments of ice as required.
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