Orange Shortcake No. 1

2 cupfuls flour.

3 tablespoonfuls butter 1/2 teaspoonful salt.

3 tablespoonfuls lard.

3 teaspoonfuls baking powder.

1 cupful milk.

Mix and sift the dry ingredients. Add butter and lard and chop until thoroughly blended. Add milk. When thoroughly mixed, divide in halves; put each half into a round buttered cake tin. Wet knife and spread evenly over pan. Bake about twelve minutes in hot oven, split the cakes, butter them and cover with sliced oranges. Sprinkle with sugar.

Orange Shortcake No. 2

Remove the skin and bitter white covering of three oranges; slice lengthwise, rejecting the seeds and tough center. Add the juice of half a lemon and powdered sugar to sweeten, then stand aside until needed. About half an hour before serving mix and sift together two cupfuls of sifted flour, two tablespoonfuls of sugar and one tablespoonful of baking powder. With the tips of the fingers work in a fourth of a cup of butter, then mix to a soft dough with two-thirds of a cupful of milk. Spread the mixture evenly over a well-buttered layer cake pan, brush the top with melted butter, sprinkle with a tablespoonful of sugar and bake at once in a quick oven. Whip one cupful of rich cream until stiff, add a fourth of a cupful of sugar and flavor with vanilla. When the shortcake is done turn it into a pudding dish, cover with the oranges and heap the whipped cream roughly over all. Serve at once.