This section is from the book "Camp Cookery", by Horace Kephart. Also available from Amazon: Camp Cookery.
(See also page 63).
See under Wild Turkey, Roasted.
Having none of the vegetable itself, use a teaspoonful of celery seed freshly powdered, or five drops of the essence of celery on a piece of sugar. Flavor some melted butter with this, add a little milk, and simmer ten minutes.
Put a pound of ripe cranberries in a kettle with just enough water to prevent burning. Stew to a pulp, stirring all the time. Then add syrup previously prepared by boiling a pound of sugar in 2/3 pint of water. Canned cranberries will answer.
This is used with stewed small game or meat (especially left-overs) that is served in combination with rice. (See page 69).
Put a large spoonful of butter in a pan over the fire; add one onion cut into slices; cook until the onion is lightly browned. Then stir in one teaspoonful of curry powder and add gradually a generous cup of brown gravy, or soup stock, or the broth in which meat has been stewed, or evaporated milk slightly thinned. Boil fifteen minutes, and strain. Curry may be varied indefinitely by further flavoring with lemon juice, red pepper, nutmeg, mace, or Worcestershire sauce.
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