This section is from the book "Cement And Concrete", by Louis Carlton Sabin. Also available from Amazon: Cement and Concrete.
Expressing the above statement as a formula we shall have
must not exceed one.
The mean value of this ratio for twenty representative American brands is found to be .915. Values of .76 and .99 respectively were given by two well-known German brands.
The above discussion is based upon the theory evolved by several authorities from the results of experiment. Much doubt has been thrown upon this theory, however, by the recent investigations of Messrs. Day and Shepard in the Geo-physical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution. In the Journal of the American Chemical Society for September, 1906, Messrs. Day and Shepard presented their results, showing that the only definite compounds of lime and silica are the metasilicate CaOSi02 and the orthosili-cate Ca2Si04. This discovery will necessitate the modification of present accepted theories, but as yet the investigations have not been carried far enough to lead to definite conclusions.
10. The analyses of thirty-two brands of Portland cement, most of them of American manufacture, given in Table 2, are selected from various sources and illustrate the proportions obtaining in commercial products.
No. | Raw Materials. | Process. | Brand. | Location. |
1 | Limestone and Shale . . . | S | Alpena | Alpena, Mich. |
2 | Cement Rock and Limestone | D | Alpha | Alpha, N. J. |
3 | Chalk and Clay...... | W | Alsens | Itzehoe, Germany. |
4 | Cement Rock and Limestone | D | Atlas | Northampton and Cop-lay, Pa. |
5 | Marl and Clay...... | W | Brunson | Bronson, Mich. |
6 | Marl and Clay...... | S | Buckeye | Harper, Ohio. Manheim, W. Va. |
7 | Cement Rock...... | D | Buckhorn | |
8 | Limestone and Clay .... | D | Catskill | Smiths Landing, N. Y. |
9 | Limestone and Clay .... Limestone and Clay . . . Limestone and Marl . . | D | Diamond | Middle Branch, Ohio. |
10 | D W | Dyckerhoff | Amoeneburg, Ger. | |
11 | Cement Rock and Limestone | D | Edison | New Village, N. J. |
12 | Marl and Clay...... | S | Empire | Warners, N. Y. |
13 | Marl and Clay..... | w | Germania | Lehrte, Germany |
14 | Cement Rock and Limestone | D | Giant | Egypt, Pa. |
15 | Limestone and Clay .... | D | Hudson | Hudson, N. Y. |
16 | Limestone and Clay .... | D | Iron Clad | Glens Falls, N. Y. |
17 | Chalk and Clay...... | W | K. B. & S. | England. |
18 | Cement Rock and Limestone | D | Lehigh | Allentown, Pa. |
19 | Marl and Clay...... | W | Medusa | Bay Bridge, Ohio. |
20 | Marl and Clay...... | W | Medusa | Syracuse, Ind. |
21 | Cement Rock and Limestone | D | Nazareth | Nazareth, Pa. |
22 | Cement Rock and Limestone | D | Northampton | Stockertown, Pa. |
23 | Limestone and Clay .... | D | Old Dominion | Craigsville, Va. |
24 | Marl and Clay...... | W | Omega | Jonesville, Mich. |
25 | Marl and Clay...... | W | Peerless | Union City, Mich. |
26 | Cement Rock...... | D | Red Diamond | Demopolis, Ala. |
27 | Cement Rock and Limestone | D | Saylors | Coplay, Pa. |
28 | Slag and Limestone . . | D | Universal | Chicago, 111. |
29 | Cement Rock and Limestone | D | Vulcanite | Vulcanite, N. J. |
30 | Marl and Clay...... | W | Wolverine | Coldwater, Mich. |
31 | Clay and Waste Limestone | W | Wyandotte | Wyandotte, Mich. |
32 | Chalk and Clay...... | W | Yankton | Yankton, S. Dak. |
Note.—Wet process is indicated by W; dry, by D; and semi-wet, by S.
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