This "is an inflammation of the eye due to the reflection of intense light from the snow. There is blindness, flowing of tears, the whites of the eyes are bloodshot, the lids swollen, Often a pus discharges from the eyes, which is highly contagious and when brought into contact with healthy eyes is liable to transmit the disease.

Treatment Of Snow Blindness

1. Apply cold cloths which have been on ice or wetted in cold water. Do this for half an hour three times a day, changing the cloths as they become warm.

2. Several times a day hold the eyelids open when lying down and pour into them a stream of cooled wrater which has first been boiled.

3. At night smear the lids and eyelashes with some pure salve to prevent them gluing together while asleep.

Prevention of snow blindness:

The natives of the far North use eye-covering? which entirely shut out the light except a narrow slit through which they see. Some use smoked glass goggles while still others smear their faces with grease and lampblack to break the glare. It is common among mountain climbers to use actors' grease paint for this purpose. In the Winnipeg region of Canada there are used "horse hair" goggles which are superior to any other protection to the eyes in snow work. They are made entirely of hair woven in a loose mesh, convex over the eyes. I would advise anyone traveling in the North to provide himself with them in preference to glass, which is coated with frost at every change of ternperature, is always cold to the face, and is liable to be broken." (Outing).