The Sensibility Of The Skin is due to the presence of nerve terminations, which are of different descriptions and at different depths. The largest of these are termed Pacinian bodies, and are especially found in the subcutaneous adipose tissue of the fingers and toes (fig. 38). They are grape-shaped structures of such size that they can be recognised by the practised dissector with the naked eye as minute grains, being upwards of 1/16 of an inch in length; and they consist each of a dilated end of a nerve fibre, with layers of tough nucleated tissue round about They are not peculiarly integumentary structures, for the site in which above all others they are found easily and abundantly, is the mesentery of the lower bowel of the cat. Within a number of the papillae of the cutis vera smaller bodies are found, termed touch-corpuscles of Wagner (fig. 37). These are of such size, that each one fills the greater part of the papilla in which it is contained : the structure consists of a firm nucleated core, round which the nerve is coiled. Still smaller end-bulbs (of Krause) are found in or beneath the papillae in places where the skin is delicate, as on the lips and over the white of the eye, and appear to resemble the Pacinian bodies in having the nerve ending in the interior. Lastly, it is to be noticed that, independently of all these modes of nerve termination, nervous filaments have been found ramifying between the cells of the epidermis, and possibly terminate in individual cells; and, although this is the most difficult method of nerve-termination to trace, there can be little doubt that it is the most important.