A few minutes' reflection in regard to the modern ways of living will fix in the mind of any sound reasoner the conviction that we are a careless and cruel people. Nearly 1000 human beings in the United States are dying daily of diseases which science has shown how to prevent. Streams are polluted, garbage dumped on the nearest vacant lot, fresh air and sunshine shut out of the houses by double doors and windows, and innocent children fed dirty milk because people do not realize that these acts are responsible for many of the 4000 graves daily made in our nation's cemeteries.

Sanitary science and the public health can be advanced only as they are supported by an intelligent public opinion. Laws necessary to the public welfare can be secured and upheld when the majority of citizens appreciate the value of the problems involved. New ideas are grasped most readily by the young and it is with them that modern hygienic teaching will have the greatest influence. Parents do not recognize that eyesight is being impaired, normal growth prevented, blood poisoned, and the body starved because of customs and habits born in ignorance.

In place of general statements in regard to promoting health, specific facts and full explanations are given showing how disease is caused and how the body may be kept well and strong. Much labor and expense have been devoted to the preparation of the illustrations which the pupils should be required to study carefully.

A few experiments have been outlined and many other experiments and helpful suggestions for the teacher are given in the Advanced book of this series. The importance of proving the truth and making clear the leading facts relating to efficient living, by simple demonstrations and experiments cannot be overestimated.

Every teacher is urged to secure from the State Board of Health, at the capital of the state, copies of the numerous bulletins issued concerning health. These are sent free to those requesting them. The teacher who does her duty in imparting instruction that invites health and happiness will bless not only those of to-day, but generations yet unborn.